ViAudio - Archosaur Arc User


  • Congradulations to a barb that won the last of the 3 chances of getting 1 gold hp and mp charm and 15 tokens.. b:victory They be on later to post thier winnings.. b:thanks Thanks to all that tried to find me and will have another chance this coming month hopefully within the first week of april.. b:bye
  • Wonders if i buy 100 hyper stones and 500 oracle 3's how long will that last me in the game.. b:scorn Seems like it last 100 days if the hypers only good for 12hrs before u can reuse it maybe 24hrs hmn.. needs to stock up on oracles and such.. b:surrender PWI Hypermania Toons b:infuriated
  • You wave this little white b:surrender at them .. most peeps are in a hurry and such trying to catch up with pwi .. Also others might be reading and such being it thier first character.. Others like me are rare.. We bounce all over the map helping others one peep at a time.. At times i might end up helping 27 peeps ina day…
  • b:surrender tried with cache and so forth .. im still seeing twins and such on forums,,,
  • well i just leveled from 19 to 23 and well! Im still a twin on the forums but on the server , I have no twins,.. did you clear cache as you were playing game or out of game... b:surrender
  • Well! I still have the double for the forums and cant see my picture either.. but on the server i have one name now which is better than two of the same names.. How long before i can get my picture and stuff corrected here.. I have also seen others that have same problem as i do with thier picture and so forth when they…
  • b:victory Two winners in Archosaur each recieved 1-Gold Charm MP and HP and 15 lucky tokens! b:thanksb:thanks Congratulations!!!!! Soon the two winners will post a pic and such to tell thier story.. Only 1- chance left for one lucky winner to receive the same prizes and hopefully i be online sometime this weekend or…
  • b:chuckle More Fun Contest! b:puzzled Cant think of anything more fun than giving nice loot goodies away such as this! b:infuriated I be ingame soon .. maybe tommorrow or friday who knows..
  • Ticket sent! b:chuckle Hopefully they get it corrected..
  • b:victoryb:victory Very nice! b:cool Hope it grows into a 90/90 one day! Cya on new server one day.. b:bye
  • Yeah i was wondering why I too was seeing double names and such.. Hmn!! this is odd but anyway hopefully a solution can be resolved .. I actually only have one character on new server but i have two names showing one with a pic and one without a pic. Hope my new character does not get wiped and start over.. I have a ton…