Vaer_ - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • ok than what was your build and what type of gear you used? like legendary and TT or TT gold... jw cause i started a seeker with 2 vit 3 dex and 5 str every 2 levels and heard i should cap vit at 50 wonderin when i should cap or if i should at all (guessing i should so aoes do more dmg but not sure and dont want to mess it…
  • O_O i have nvr heard of that, nvr even that faintest clue of that and if that is true there should be a notice of that too much of the game is unexplained and many ppl probably nvr heard of that before either so they should have a nice notice on each fashion piece in the boutique that lets you know about that and if it…
  • i agree with the red tide ts completely useless id always rather use my double spark or two earth vectors and yeah psys at time can be really op but thats really not because of dmg output i believe (not sure havent played archers, wizzys or venos much) but because of their skill selections which have a lot of good status…