Treppe - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • Agreed on this topic. I travelled all the way to Scorpion Valley in Elf territory with my Veno, only to find that those awesome -looking Ironwings [did I mention that they look awesome?] aren't tamable. When you've got so many varieties of land-creatures that are tamable, being limited to only a handful of air-creatures…
  • Personally, I find it odd that there are Materials Dealers in the major cities, yet they serve no actual purpose. It's just like the pop-up once you reach level 10 telling you that World Chat is now available and makes no mention of Teleacoustics, only a one-off 1000 coin fee to remove a one-message-per-30-seconds limit.…
  • I think it's ironic that you criticised her for being melodramatic; but what's even more ironic is the ending. Implying that she needs to grow up, when you're the only person in this thread who's been so immature as to sling around insults like that? [EDIT: Okay, not quite the only one, but you definitely hold the record…