hmmm i was nvr aware it was ever implemented. but personally i think it sucks tat sum1 refines ther gear but once they out level it, the onli options r either keep it 4 a new char or 2 sell it nd hope 2 earn enough so tat u can refine ur next lv gear at least a lil. (usually u sell 4 a lot less than u spend 2 refine,…
lol yea i can verify that the quest item is not glitched. u do turn it in =P. b:victory
I dont have this problem at all, but i can understand y u might die or get ur charm ticked in fb 79, sumtimes ppl dont notice tat the archer mob patrols near the entrance. So if u just stand ther after u tele in, if ur unlucky nd the mob just happens 2 b in range u can be shot 2 death. If u have lag in fbs, tat can appear…
haha wow... nd i was looking forward 2 delta... hope they fix it soon... b:shocked