im not 100% sure about this but if your casting a spell and someone runs out of your range doesnt the skill stop casting? i kinda feel liek it does but im not sure (at least on my seeker) i know it doesnt work like that on stormbringer so thats an advantage if its correct
trying to get the wind and waves title and it wont let me hit the challenge button
well if anyones on dreamweaver and wants to let me borrow there flyer for min hit me up
it is ungodly **** how this game works sometimes
some people probably arent used to it or have never played any other mmo give them time
i dont need a pickaxe anymore?!?! how can something so small make me this happy
is the patch actully done i got all the way up to just a tiny space on the bar and now its taking forever and even crashed once
stormbringer because storms > whatever other magic there is also scythes are kinda cool
are you able to do PV after you re awaken? that should be really easy with the gear i already have at level 70
is auto culting a decent way to make money now? or are drops still not worth it?
how does the fast squad thin work? is it liek a que and how do i use it wont allow me to click it
WTB/WTT for spring coat male fashion will trade fash and or mount with some coin or whatever anyone want wanna talk aobut it?
thank you was annoying the hell outta me lol
awh what im so close the the event card thing ;-; y u do this
also would it be better to wait to re awaken untill after i have all the sage skills or does it matter?
if you dont mind me asking do i need to have the sage/demon version of the 2 skills for wind blade before i can get it?
no they didnt have any inf for what i needed so could you please stop taking the thread off topic i asked for more info than what this website has because it doesnt have much and you can stop being so butt hurt now
wrong that didnt tell me **** expect for mats i see nowhere that it says how to start getting any mats or how to get the new quests to unlock the new places or anything aobut this new arcane stuff
hey guys i ahvent actully played for awhile but with a new update comes a new reason to play so i was wondering if anyone could tell me which skills combine into each of these or could link me to something that has info on it
where do we us ethis code at?
yea idk where the hell this dude is
yea that one i understand but im talking about using like ion spike or whatever else
it looked like everyone was trying to lock in a clockwise kinda fashoin.......for awhile each team was pushed in on one side light i think almost got completely locked at one point and frost took over the top half of the map near the end
it weird that so many ppl have this problem i have a **** laptop and a terrible wireless router but havent dced once
some people still need to learn that they lag because there computer cant handle that many people on the game or in a small area at once.....
im still a complete noob but i was wondering everyone says not to do these to another seeker but wouldnt that give u the advantage since after they qpq u can qpq it back?
then i guess they shoudl amke nw 99+ not 60+
i still make 10-20 mill without charms lol so doesnt really matter to me i also see plenty of other lowbies
the first solution is really stupid
ground>metal its simple pokescience