Thorin - Harshlands Arc User


  • Well Zulu doesn't need to crash peoples vents to win TW so.... Yea id have to agree.
  • Limited time special! First 10 customers receive a discount while supplies last, and since Rome's wife is the only one left, I'll be taking bids, highest bidder wins b:mischievous
  • Why did you black out the PMs with Echo, Kingdom spy perhaps? You know you really just got a taste of your own medicine, when someone PKs you on a PVP server you GET-OVER-IT not rage and disband your entire guild. b:angry
  • THE ABSENCE OF EVIDENCE IS NOT THE EVIDENCE OF ABSENCE MUTHA****** Icon likes when us big, hairy barbs talk nasty to him, he gets a stubby b:chuckle
  • I spent too much time in real life and now I'm behind on this thread b:surrender But really, I see most people staying in Kingdom not for the money/profit/gear but for the reason I stayed: Friends and because no other guild seems particularly appealing My issue with Kingdom was never the guild, just the leadership, but so…
  • Lol Deity still plays PWI?
  • Ask Iffy about this one time out a Village of the Lost... Pot and PWI don't mix when you're red named mmkay? b:chuckle
  • Aedus, I love you! You're the coolest Crimson I know b:cute Walter, less caps please, and I'd like to see you drop an 8x barb, or a member of QQme without your nix b:chuckle
  • na na na na na na na na TWO-SHOT rofl!! True story, I was PKing Crimson back when I wasn't in QQme and I 2-shot Batgirl with armor break and bestial onslaught 7x HA veno dying to a 7x barb, I wish I was that prob:laugh
  • Really? I don't claim to know everything about Kingdom (God forbid Icon trust someone not from LC) but yeah I think the LS KoS was the ONLY major KoS Kingdom has ever had, and as for KoSing a guild out of existance, I somehow doubt that after 2 months LS was just that tired of Kingdom, then again I'm not in Crimson so I…
  • Hehehe Icon is such a hypocrite, I talked HARD to get him a decent chunk of his 8xs or soon-to-be 8xs but he doesn't like me because I don't kiss his **** b:surrender So yeah, never got paid (ever) and STILL fought for his guild and I get kicked cuz he had a tantrum, sad really, just sad.
  • AngeRR paid off the pogo GMs to never lose at Monopoly Q.Q I bet he botted to 500mil net worth too! b:cry
  • Oh. my. god. Crimson just agreed with QQme, the server is going to explode! b:shocked Icon, I stayed in your guild for three consecutive weeks and never got paid, never got charms, NEVER got compensation for my DONATIONS. I don't have to sit up here and flame you or anything, you get too pissy when I do anyhow. Learn to…
  • *Sits back and lets the poetic justice wash over him* This thread sounds oddly familiar Kinda like the things I argued with Icon about He banned me for speaking out, I'd watch it if I were you b:bye And yeah, don't worry about the money, shards, materials, and charms that Kingdom gets, they are evenly distributed to Icon's…
  • Do I hear the bitter sound of jealousy? It's too bad Crimson can't PK their way outta SP, let alone down a GM. QQme is just too pro for you -.^ (And yes I know DD is in Kylin atm)
  • Doesn't Exodus grind worldbosses?
  • Hydra, special thanks for showing some sportsmanship, it was a good war and I look forward to many more b:pleased
  • I miss TR too, maybe we can talk Ascii into reviving PWI Harshland's #1 guild ever b:victory But seriously folks, there are straight PvE ways to get to the top, just look at me, dropped a few dollars into a hercules and now Heavenly pays for my hieros (Gotta love BMs going for full gold 80)
  • Nova, see you when you're 9x geared in **** and we're 9x geared in, oh yeah, full TT90, and while you're leveling don't forget to pray each morning that my lovely wife Pinkerbell doesn't decide to ROLL YOUR **** with a 10+ level disadvantage and NO NIX. Who is the real nonfactor here my old friend?
  • And you still never killed me? b:cry Where is my special attention!!
  • The GMs have already expressly stated that genie are not to be a CS item
  • You're gonna post that over and over again. We've already established 1) I have no sway in what Kingdom does b:surrender and 2) You took that out of context, it was a theory for endgame (90+) TW, and has nothing to do with what is going on now, or will happen in the future. So go start more fail guilds and keep QQing about…
  • Nicely taken a bit out of context, but I'm not even an officer, I was just making predictions, I don't claim to know what leadership has in mind. b:victory Next to fail is PENDULUM for these reasons: GG Liegia, don't start trouble if…