lol anyone else remember way back when...... o0O Attack on Archosaur O0o Mobs and multiple FB bosses spawing outside Arch gates. All i remember from that live event was getting slammed with multiple Phys Aoe... watching all the arcane and light armor players die. Then spending about 30min reviving 200+ players (after being…
Thanks for all the hard work PWE staff. Sry for all the noobs stinking the place up with their BS comments.
o_0 WTH you buying that your losing money on?
Vinat i agree with you 100% after spending about 4 hours grinding out 30% IDK if there is a rollback or not just want to get back on and play again.
wow this forum doesnt seem to like me and i think my refresh button broke about 2k clicks ago
we shall see..... you won't be invited to many FBs and TT runs being an attack cleric....
<---Real Cleric.....
@ Darknin - your sig makes me lulz
damn so i got 2 hours =/
so shall i since i play so much. but honestly you think your not going to be credited for any loss you might get.... Logs are good things.
very true but watching this thread...... sad really how so many people can be upset over a game that is free to play.... granted i have no real life outside this game and do nothing but play all day and most of the night but still. I don't complain and make rude comments to those who are in the dark has we are .....
*nods* (first post here too =P ) <--has lost faith in human intelligence