Tekkblade - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • this is probbly the only time they should realize it. i can see why they were recruiting a lot of people when they started to face kd and then kylin few months ago. now that kd is gone and kylin is a 5 minute war, they are the #1 faction and want competition and i respect them for tha
  • one word to remember taarloor for ever. ejoke.
  • these are all the dumbest suggestions ever. especially #2, #3, #7, #8, #9
  • "right if you already knew it why would you use that pvp comparison then idiot. and dont say "derp derp i was just trolling", because thats not how one trolls. and sorry its not erz or curses, try again." the part when i wrote "dont say derp derp i was just trolling" is not saying you have said it literally..., im just…
  • Qoute like you've ever said that? what the **** are you talking about. wtb Br Kylin translator.b:bye
  • right if you already knew it why would you use that pvp comparison then idiot. and dont say "derp derp i was just trolling", because thats not how one trolls. and sorry its not erz or curses, try again.
  • what are you stupid? i swear kylin is getting more dumb and dumber. erzenzia was created 2-3 months ago. Taboo was created since day 1 of this server. And it doesnt matter if taboo is in a rpk faction or not, he's just not gon world pvp either way.
  • not neccesaraily. do u remember the time when zulu was losing week after week to KD? that was the time when most of the ppl from KD left to join zulu. when zulu was losing, there wasnt a "mass quit rampage". zulu actually got more people while they were losing lands to KD. see, the difference of zulu and kylin compared to…
  • umm like iffy nurfed bloop acrelar jlung rome liberty curses iamkiller ultiamte scarlet etc. theres a whole a lot morebut i dont want to name all of them. kylin wouldnt be having those lands right now that u see today if it werent for the zulu core leaving KD, making zulu nation and attacking kd. like i said before, if…
  • easy, the difference is that the reason why KD was eating up kylin lands was because zulu core was in it. Once zulu core left KD, and made zulu, they basically saved kylin and helped rebuilt kylin by 2v1'ing KD. Then KD fell apart because KD members followed the zulu core.
  • U just contradicted yourself. If nurfed and them stayed in KD, KD wouldnt have lost their 80+ lvl 95 members.
  • If your talking about the Nurfed and co, group, they will never break up. I think they been together since qqme days correct me if im wrong. the zulu core is just as loyal as kylins core. So to answer your originial post, i think we'll see zulu around for a very long time unless they all quit. This brings up something i…
  • pro song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GVEUWyxkbQ
  • wow all you do is QQ. Go to a pve server lol. If no one crashes wb's, coa, dp, summer event, what fun is it to be in a pvp server? im glad theres a guild like zulu on HL tbo. or else it would be boring as ***. i woulda quit long ago.
  • typical "u got me, i can't think of anything to say" post.b:chuckle
  • wow taboo you need a kleenex. don't take things to the heart man especially in a game. btw, PS, fyi, you suck. you need to reroll and quit ijs. lul
  • its not surprising that tryagain QQ's a lot considering hes taboo's real life brother. it runs in the family i suppose. LMAO
  • hmm most of the people in zulu right now was in zulu when zulu was losing weeks after weeks and was down to 1 land. Did they leave? nope.. and more people joined zulu while zulu was losing in tw. i doubt people will leave just because they are losing in tw due to the fact that people repsect nurfed as a good leader…
  • my point was sneaky has SOME use in tw, taking down main targets in an important offense push since thailer said sneaky has 0 use in tw. you guys need to read what your guildmates are writing before making irrelavant comments
  • you were the main cata barb for zulu. now kylin dont have to focus on defense as much. cant believe you joined Kylin though after you nurfed iffy acrelar etc help build what zulu has become. and Kylin has what.. tekkblade 40k hp, bain, taboo, rigamortiz on attack?. all nirvana'd out. anyways If kylin doesnt win this…
  • sneaky actually solo'd stayne at the last part of stayne's video in kylins base.
  • Losing an attack war 2 times in a row when kylin has mr 40k hp barb, 3 other full set nirvana gear'd +8 or more refines cata barbs. thats something. Kylin was suppose to win period in those last 2 TW's. if Kylin doesn't win this week, THEY EFFING SUCK even with their CS wh0res. Zulu without Jlung, their main cata barb, you…
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  • from day 1 of penwins, they already have the two main major problems from KD. ligeia + malizi. b:pleased