Tartara - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • I believe, in mythology the white tiger and the red fox were mentioned to be sacred animals of the vixen and the barbarian. That is why they transform into these animals. Also, learn to spell.
  • Yes that is the genie version of soul transfusion. I thought it was gonna work on friendly targets like I said. Sometimes clerics get low on mana while doing bosses and what not, if you hit that skill then they are back to full mana and low on health but they can just toss themself a heal in the process making it an…
  • There is one about auto insurance in there worth 441 zen. It works and that is what I used to buy my Perfect Hammer with plus a few extra coin. You dont need to enter your real information but do enter your real phone number. They do call.
  • Lets put this back to the top because to me, Unknown is at the top of their game!
  • Yes, I know that. That is my complaint. When I go under water, my ground pet despawns because it doesnt GO UNDERWATER so it despawns.
  • It is completely publicized. All over Youtube, all over the forums. If they ban you for this, they need to ban ALOT of people. I know entire squads and entire factions that use the F9 ordeal to look around corners, to look THROUGH walls, and to even pull bosses that are a bit too far out of a characters range but can still…
  • I honestly agree. It is way too easy to get a nix or a herc. Seriously, 9999 SoF or Nix feathers on my server going at a max of 5K per... That is about 50 mil. And like I said, a max of that. 50 mil is next to nothing. I am generally quite poor and I seemed to scrounge enough coin to get myself a tome. So honestly, if I…
  • This is the dumbest suggestion ever due to the fact that it would make YOU worthless. If you want those coins, dont be so damn lazy. Just pick them up. If it risks your death, so be it. The pets are not there to pick things up. If you want to pick things up with a pet, play last chaos. If you like PW, STFU and deal with…
  • On my server, Dreamweaver.... Our people are just now hitting level 100 so basically, everyone still needs some coin.
  • I got a nice cruise about 75MS per server... West Arch bumps it to about 110.
  • I think the cleric idea is actually usuable to an extent. There could be like a 1 hour cooldown timer on it or 2 hours or whatever. The infinite arrow idea, ridiculous. Someone else said it, they are cheap. 50K can buy arrows for a week. And some arrows already have something added to it. Actually, I think they all do.…
  • I think that when you trash the Bounty Hunter quest, you should be able to get it again that day. I think it is dumb for me to miss out on 60K XP because I wanted to help a friend.
  • Gathering agro goes as such from my experience: Damage and healing. Whoever is doing the most, has the agro. Spells that cause high agro such as a bleed or a poison will generally give you agro. We will try to put this into numbers. A tank is doing 500 damage per second. A healer is doing 400 healing per second. A tank…
  • My point is this. What if said buffs were to run out in the middle of a boss fight and get people killed? That is why a timer is requested. So that you know how long you have before said buff runs completely out and you are not screwed to a board looking like a fool.
  • Like I said, there doesnt have to be extra bars or even numbers. It could be like the cooldowns on your abilities. It could go around the icon in a clockwise motion, changing it from the dark icon back to the light icon.