Tankarei - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • It is ridiculous to upgrade a skill that costs no chi in first place and it begins to cost chi in its newer/stronger version. Barbs did need a decent CC, exactly EVERY class (even asssassins) can out-range barbs and DD from outside barb's range. Any poor crappy freeze is a pain in the *** when you're a barb. Do make a barb…
  • If you're noob, yes. Being "overgeared" doesn't mean you're meant to tank 5+ people in the other side being a caster. I'm pretty sure you're just a rager who cashed a lot to be able to kill in PvP even tho you suck at it, now you're just pissed off because you're being forced to learn how to play the game.
  • I will be sage on a over-vit build. My build is: 4 vit, 5 str, 1 dex. At lv 101 I will be unable to use lv 101 weapons till I get full nirvy armor or full R9 armor. At 101 Ill have: 60 dexterity, 255 strength and 200 vitality (without gear bonuses) Its an experience but im sacrificing all this str into vit because I have a…
  • IMO sins need no Nerf. They're already too weak. K they get 150 chi on Rising dragon, 50 on Tackling slash and 200 on the "skill I forggot the name". Sins does NEVER reach the real meaning of 5 aps, they must be sparked to be 5 aps. Even Sage BMs are able to reach perma 5aps unsparked. Blood Paint is a very kind skill,…
  • The only solution is: Make a time machine, back in time and... Simply dont bind your *****. Bound **** tends to be useless on trading/decomposing purpose, they can only be equiped, stored on bank and sold on npc, and nothing more. I like this process permanent, makes me feel safe when a friend comes to me and says:
  • Oh, now I remember why I'm disconnected and Unable to connect. The server maintenance times are related to west coast, im @ GMT-3 and taking GMT-4 as base servertime. Well, no reasons to be angry at all then. K, I know you all knew this, let me be ****** :B
  • QQ I was disconnected and now I'm "Unable to connect to the server". I wanna play this game @ this time o' the dawn and what? QQ
  • I started this game as a Cleric. Didn't like, ran Archer. didn't like, ran Veno till sage. Liked most, but now I play a barbarian, a Seeker and a Sin. At all, I don't play much as BM and Archer, but I've plaid many as all other classes and I love them all because they're all stupidly weak, but they all has freaking awesome…
  • Building your Status Points !!! There are 2 builds i know for clerics. they're based on the Magical weapon and armor base. Magical Weapon & armor base is: every 10 points, 6 in Magic and 1 in strength. this means 3 int per lvl and 1 strength every 2. 3 points free to allocate anywhere. so, i recommend you to put these 3…
  • The cleric leaves the squad when there is no tanker. I mean, either if there is no barb or the barb is not a tanker. Tanking means you always go 20m ahead the party and make sure all the mobs are hating your *** out there, before the cleric reaches you to save your ***, coz when the cleric reach you, either your *** and…
  • Yeah, that makes sense. And now I remember that Armageddon Damage is based on my max HP then, taking less damage from having a good deflvl is good, but I lose a very important advantage. Thanks man.
  • We are no meat shields... We are... SOLID ROCK SHIELDS!!! Youre very welcome, thank you for your buffs and healings, that you spent spirit and money just for us.
  • I think youre unlucky ._. Ive been in a squad for a 1-2 that droped 6 mats from the golden armor, no drop event.
  • As far as I know, this quest will be available from 6:00 pm to 6:30 pm. I, from my far knowings about this game, think she'll appear in the new zones or in Archossaur. Sounds stupid but maybe she appear in Thousand Streams. I think these are the most possible locations. From Google Translated welcome message given in…