Taboo - Harshlands Arc User



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  • The Canadian school system needs improving, they are not producing well trained trolls.
  • my old trolling competitor! im not really gunna be no lifing anymore so i cbf trolling lol. plus i have no clue what the hell is going on in game atm with all the updates i missed and everyones new and improved gear. I was in nirvana for my first time back and i killed all the mobs around the first boss while my squad…
  • I was trying to stay away from this thread and figured it would eventually die. Then you put out another comment like this: you are begging to be trolled
  • watch this, ill help crimson out.....the old kingdom strategy. everyone on defense except for 2 cata squads trying to win by themselves. i think this plan is more well thought out than your current plan, and that kingdom strat was moronic. BTW, try defending the left lane one time please. im told you defend B and the right…
  • Ive got a ballpark
  • WTB 27.7k hp lol
  • Kylin. no explanation needed, they just **** me off!
  • All i know is that my gear blows compared to other catas, and my single squad was allowed to run down a lane virtually untouched, take out 1.5 towers before anyone from crimson even bothered to attack us, and when they did attack it was people filing out the gate 1 by 1 getting killed. Clearly there is very little if any…
  • I have no clue what has been going on. when i decided to come back this last Thursday i watched 1 TW video of a recent war taking an hour i think it was. The 2 wars ive been involved with have been basically 10 minute crystal rushes.
  • AVS.....its really easy to use and good quality if you are looking for one. i wish the war would have lasted longer so i had to tinker around with more options, but with what i had to do it couldnt have been any simpler.
  • I basically just made this to work with a video editor. im sorry crimson fails, i assumed it was going to be a better war, and i have bellow average gear + stats now for catas and they really never even got close to killing me. Hopefully they get their act together in the next few weeks so i can put out something more…
  • I liked that TW too, unfortunately my pants cannot say the same. And yes ultimate you need to quit. From one ex no lifing troll to another, it is amazing what you are capable of when you arent glued to a computer chair for 10 hours a day, ;p
  • I heard Kylin got taken off the map so i decided to pop into the forums and see what was up. Im personally shocked to still see many familiar faces still playing this game, and with the updates after i quit that sounded even worse than what was going on when i still played. Anyway, grats zulu i guess although the game has…
  • This reminds me of every thread ive ever posted in. I say something which has nothing to do with erzenzia, she then opens her big mouth, i shut it for her, she hides and waits for the next thread. Ahhhh so much fun.
  • 1. learn to multi-quote. you know someone is trying too hard when they make back to back posts to make a point. 2. If you like girls more than guys, your opinion of a guy's looks are irrelevant. For example, being someone that likes girls, it wouldnt make sense if i called a guy hot or ugly, understand? cool. 3. it is…
  • I see you still try way too hard at this.....and you clearly still have erotic fantasies about me. Ive been gone for so long, i know it must be hard on you, masturbating till your fingertips go raw just thinking about me. Im sorry, i hope you can move on with your life as i have.
  • lmao, **** YOU!
  • This is why ive always loved the forums, lol. Anyway, im hijacking this farewell thread for myself. In no particular order, just as they pop up in my mind: Hadar: 1st good clerics i met early in the server, not fond of your guild choices lol, we were supposed to carry on with our epic 2 man cata squad but at any rate your…
  • Not gunna lie, if i didnt know for a fact J was a dude id think he was a girl. Since joining zulu he was the center of more server drama and crying than anyone ive ever seen, along with his need to always world chat random **** that no one cares about just to get his name out there. Aside from all that, no one has ever…
  • holy ****....i pop on to the forums after a long *** time to see this. All i have to say is, typical.
  • If you are really feeling ambitious as far as making a harshlands movie goes....i think it would be pretty interesting to see a video of the number 1 guild on the server as it aged. So, finding a way to capture the "passing of the torch", if ya will, from Kingdom to Kylin to…
  • This poll is broken, cause we all know the answer is Taboo, yet im not on the list. I really need to become more of a picture whor. Side is happening in-game? lol
  • no one wants to say who they think the best of each class is, in a thread made for that very reason.....Its only fun to start making lists like that in random threads and completely derail all conversation.
  • Your post is moot: I WIN
  • didnt you read....she only wanted the sausage. canada's lit programs are obviously inferior to the USA's !
  • I am.....she ordered a suasage pizza and im delivering it. cant get much nicer than that, man am i great guy or what....b:chuckle
  • BO you nab ****, stop being a pansy posting on bloodomen, and post on bloodomen!
  • I dont understand why people are mentioning gear in every post......NPC GEAR, NPC GEAR, N ****ING PC GEAR, jesus. Obviously any person with severely better gear than someone else of the same class should win, thats not the idea. This game has turned into such a cash shop = win, abomination that no one can even contemplate…
  • hey, i already quoted this song on kylins forums, you are a thief! Anyway, it was probably the best performance of the night (as much as i love Em, im not afraid and love the way you lie have been played way too much lately) but it still doesnt even compare to Jay-Z last year.....he ripped the **** out of empire state of…
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