peace harshlands



  • Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    i normally dont even care enough to read these flame rage bait threads,
    j, ive known u since forever i will miss u man, all the pk the sht talk to world chat spams
    u were always a cool dude and thank you for making this game more fun man take care of urself

    to the rest of u, show some self respect and give an old friend a proper good bye instead of running his name in the dirt

    J has 'quit' the game over BS drama i can't even count how many times.

    Maybe if HE had posted a proper 'goodbye' thread he would have gotten proper and respectful posts in response.
  • Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    What is a "Pyroki"?

    Sounds like some random no-name.
  • Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited October 2010

  • Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    It sucks you're leaving, you're a good player. (Me thinks this is why you have so many haters, just saying) But wish you the best in whatever you're planning on doing.

  • Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    GL in RL J b:bye
  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Farewell and good luckb:bye
    Tyranny Leader~ Harshlands
  • Posts: 1,420 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Not gunna lie, if i didnt know for a fact J was a dude id think he was a girl. Since joining zulu he was the center of more server drama and crying than anyone ive ever seen, along with his need to always world chat random **** that no one cares about just to get his name out there. Aside from all that, no one has ever copied the **** i do more than J, from starting random **** of the forums just for the hell of it, to the Xulin marriage thing, to my firends, to catapulling, to barb builds, everything i did soon found its way over to J or his character as well. People always commented to me about it calling him Mini-boo, which i found pretty hilarious. Bottom line, early in the server J was imo one of the cooler people on the server, but by the end became quite the ****. And then this farewell, which was less farewell more boohooing.....stupid way to leave. Ive considered writing a proper good-bye for a couple months now, but yeah.....i think by now all my old friends have stopped playing, whether it be very early in the server or up until i quit.

    Anyone wanna let me know if any of these people actually still play?: Mali, Lig, ****, Michael, Nurfed, Iffy, Acrelar, BO. Idk if i forgot anyone, or if i did its probably cause i can talk to you in other ways.
  • Posts: 490 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Not gunna lie, if i didnt know for a fact J was a dude id think he was a girl. Since joining zulu he was the center of more server drama and crying than anyone ive ever seen, along with his need to always world chat random **** that no one cares about just to get his name out there. Aside from all that, no one has ever copied the **** i do more than J, from starting random **** of the forums just for the hell of it, to the Xulin marriage thing, to my firends, to catapulling, to barb builds, everything i did soon found its way over to J or his character as well. People always commented to me about it calling him Mini-boo, which i found pretty hilarious. Bottom line, early in the server J was imo one of the cooler people on the server, but by the end became quite the ****. And then this farewell, which was less farewell more boohooing.....stupid way to leave. Ive considered writing a proper good-bye for a couple months now, but yeah.....i think by now all my old friends have stopped playing, whether it be very early in the server or up until i quit.

    Anyone wanna let me know if any of these people actually still play?: Mali, Lig, ****, Michael, Nurfed, Iffy, Acrelar, BO. Idk if i forgot anyone, or if i did its probably cause i can talk to you in other ways.

    I hate you Tapoo. :( I want my pants back! Mali went back to WoW(I think), **** has a sin now he plays, Michael also plays and leveling a barb now(both in J's new faction now), Zulu people just hop from game to game now, not sure about BO though.
    60 / 250.
  • Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Not gunna lie, if i didnt know for a fact J was a dude id think he was a girl. Since joining zulu he was the center of more server drama and crying than anyone ive ever seen, along with his need to always world chat random **** that no one cares about just to get his name out there. Aside from all that, no one has ever copied the **** i do more than J, from starting random **** of the forums just for the hell of it, to the Xulin marriage thing, to my firends, to catapulling, to barb builds, everything i did soon found its way over to J or his character as well. People always commented to me about it calling him Mini-boo, which i found pretty hilarious. Bottom line, early in the server J was imo one of the cooler people on the server, but by the end became quite the ****. And then this farewell, which was less farewell more boohooing.....stupid way to leave. Ive considered writing a proper good-bye for a couple months now, but yeah.....i think by now all my old friends have stopped playing, whether it be very early in the server or up until i quit.

    Anyone wanna let me know if any of these people actually still play?: Mali, Lig, ****, Michael, Nurfed, Iffy, Acrelar, BO. Idk if i forgot anyone, or if i did its probably cause i can talk to you in other ways.

    id LOVE to know how my barb was built ANYTHING like yours. Your sage pure vit cata puller. Im demon statted higher strength and never WANTED to pull cata i was just put there. i like support better. Be more butthurt about me marrying XuLin i did it just to **** you off which would be why i divorced him after a week. and yes you know it taboo my one goal in life was to befriend everyone you were friends with. The only thing that i did somewhat like you was start random shiit on forums because it was amusing like you said it was.
  • Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    id LOVE to know how my barb was built ANYTHING like yours. Your sage pure vit cata puller. Im demon statted higher strength and never WANTED to pull cata i was just put there. i like support better. Be more butthurt about me marrying XuLin i did it just to **** you off which would be why i divorced him after a week. and yes you know it taboo my one goal in life was to befriend everyone you were friends with. The only thing that i did somewhat like you was start random shiit on forums because it was amusing like you said it was.

    The great Master Taboo just trolled you big time, son.

    Tabby, I want to have your troll babies!b:dirty
  • Posts: 701 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    this thread is epic

    J i saw u in game today, thought u quit.

    U want attention as well like swiftfire Ok?
  • Posts: 805 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    The great Master Taboo just trolled you big time, son.

    Tabby, I want to have your troll babies!b:dirty

    You know, I can never tell with Taboo if he's trolling or not b:shocked he is just that good
    Originally Posted by Curses - Harshlands

    Sidenote: hilarious name for a boat: "Yeah Buoy".

  • Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    You know, I can never tell with Taboo if he's trolling or not b:shocked he is just that good

    Cuz he's a PRO troll (2nd recast) b:laugh

    BTW, didn't Xu said HE actually divorced Jlung (and not the vice-versa as J claiming)? O_o
  • Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Cuz he's a PRO troll (2nd recast) b:laugh

    BTW, didn't Xu said HE actually divorced Jlung (and not the vice-versa as J claiming)? O_o

    Who gives a **** about that ???!!!?! Rhyme is back b:dirty
  • Posts: 751 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    This is starting to look like an episode of "The young and the restless"...

    So much Drama... But no one said to stop...

    So continue b:victory
  • Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    well will miss you J b:thanks it was a lot of fun fighting :D
    But while your away zulu will be "taken care of"
    So a plan can work out in the end
    Fail troll of harshlands
  • Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Taboo mastered his arts of trolling in Vietnamb:avoid.
  • Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    O.O did he even speak in here? and D:< i thought i was the master?
    Fail troll of harshlands
  • Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Wow I want attention? Lol I just came back to the game, the only time I was on WC was recruiting and I rarely post here... Who are you again? :)

    If you wanna talk shiit go ahead, just get your facts straight :)
  • Posts: 805 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Server seems crazy atm b:faint
    Originally Posted by Curses - Harshlands

    Sidenote: hilarious name for a boat: "Yeah Buoy".

  • Posts: 701 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Wow I want attention? Lol I just came back to the game, the only time I was on WC was recruiting and I rarely post here... Who are you again? :)

    If you wanna talk shiit go ahead, just get your facts straight :)

    It's fun saying you like attention, it's funny the way you react. >:D
  • Posts: 1,420 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    This is why ive always loved the forums, lol. Anyway, im hijacking this farewell thread for myself.

    In no particular order, just as they pop up in my mind:

    Hadar: 1st good clerics i met early in the server, not fond of your guild choices lol, we were supposed to carry on with our epic 2 man cata squad but at any rate your a cool dude. We will take a vacation to the mother land one day and enjoy everything jewish.

    Nurfed: Before all the endgame gear and other distractions, you were my favorite person to pvp against, always more strategic than pure fire power which is how i like to play. You were always a cool guy and one of the few people who actually played purely for the fun of it. Also, i remember one of your gangster asian pictures, and i will have a tricep contest with you any day of the week!

    Iffy: Funny little ****er. We have very similar personalities, always taking jabs at people making smart *** remarks. Fun playing with you, all i have to say is I told you so.....BLACKHAWKS FTW.

    Mali: I want to get in your chilla-villa! wow that sounds dirty, i mean literally dirty your chinchilla probably takes dust baths in there all the time, ewww never mind **** the villa. See you in GW2 i think? that is if lig succeeded in convincing you to play.

    Lig: ahhh liggy, skinny people need lovin too, i know. I dont think my opinion about anyone changed more than with you. I ****ing hated you early in the server around the QQme days, but after we started playing together we became friends and shared the desire to get **** done, not just sit around west gate and **** our time away. See you in GW2 i think?

    Michael: Crazy Australian, i dont even know what to say lol. I think i spend more time in squads with you and **** than anyone else throughout my time on Harshlands. Idk how we could have played without your extensive mathematical experiments dealing with all things PWI haha. Not sure if you were considering playing GW2, but you should and we will get our group back together.

    hofo: You reminded me more of my real life friends than anyone else in PWI. Our conversations, while awkward and embarrassing were funny as hell and always made Mali feel weird lol. I hope all is well with your girlfriend, my fellow Steven ;p. Hopefully see you in GW2.

    BO: stinky goat loving guy that gave me a heart attack every weekend cause you showed up for TW 2 minutes before the war started. We were cata partners for a long *** time and you had the same opinions as me with things and were as loyal as i was. Fun playing with you bro, you should consider playing GW2 ;)

    Honorable mentions in no particular order: Icon, Rayver, Xulin, Bloop, Endless, Rhyme, Happy, Darkfog, Koopa, Roland, Taishang, Blade, Siva, P2, Embustero, Stayne.....I know im forgetting people, i apologize, but you know if you had fun with me b:kiss

    Anyway, good times in PWI. Had a good run but all things get old eventually, too bad i couldnt have stuck it out longer so i wouldnt have to wait for GW2 like this. Kingdom = greatest guild in HL history and always will be ;p. Peace everyone, ill pop into forums when im really bored just because.
  • Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    This is why ive always loved the forums, lol. Anyway, im hijacking this farewell thread for myself.

    In no particular order, just as they pop up in my mind:

    Hadar: 1st good clerics i met early in the server, not fond of your guild choices lol, we were supposed to carry on with our epic 2 man cata squad but at any rate your a cool dude. We will take a vacation to the mother land one day and enjoy everything jewish.

    Nurfed: Before all the endgame gear and other distractions, you were my favorite person to pvp against, always more strategic than pure fire power which is how i like to play. You were always a cool guy and one of the few people who actually played purely for the fun of it. Also, i remember one of your gangster asian pictures, and i will have a tricep contest with you any day of the week!

    Iffy: Funny little ****er. We have very similar personalities, always taking jabs at people making smart *** remarks. Fun playing with you, all i have to say is I told you so.....BLACKHAWKS FTW.

    Mali: I want to get in your chilla-villa! wow that sounds dirty, i mean literally dirty your chinchilla probably takes dust baths in there all the time, ewww never mind **** the villa. See you in GW2 i think? that is if lig succeeded in convincing you to play.

    Lig: ahhh liggy, skinny people need lovin too, i know. I dont think my opinion about anyone changed more than with you. I ****ing hated you early in the server around the QQme days, but after we started playing together we became friends and shared the desire to get **** done, not just sit around west gate and **** our time away. See you in GW2 i think?

    Michael: Crazy Australian, i dont even know what to say lol. I think i spend more time in squads with you and **** than anyone else throughout my time on Harshlands. Idk how we could have played without your extensive mathematical experiments dealing with all things PWI haha. Not sure if you were considering playing GW2, but you should and we will get our group back together.

    hofo: You reminded me more of my real life friends than anyone else in PWI. Our conversations, while awkward and embarrassing were funny as hell and always made Mali feel weird lol. I hope all is well with your girlfriend, my fellow Steven ;p. Hopefully see you in GW2.

    BO: stinky goat loving guy that gave me a heart attack every weekend cause you showed up for TW 2 minutes before the war started. We were cata partners for a long *** time and you had the same opinions as me with things and were as loyal as i was. Fun playing with you bro, you should consider playing GW2 ;)

    Honorable mentions in no particular order: Icon, Rayver, Xulin, Bloop, Endless, Rhyme, Happy, Darkfog, Koopa, Roland, Taishang, Blade, Siva, P2, Embustero, Stayne.....I know im forgetting people, i apologize, but you know if you had fun with me b:kiss

    Anyway, good times in PWI. Had a good run but all things get old eventually, too bad i couldnt have stuck it out longer so i wouldnt have to wait for GW2 like this. Kingdom = greatest guild in HL history and always will be ;p. Peace everyone, ill pop into forums when im really bored just because.

    Oh dang Taboo made me an Honorable Mentiionnnnnnnnn

    And, for future reference, make a farewell post right before you quit not 6 months afterb:bye
  • Posts: 1,420 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    And, for future reference, make a farewell post right before you quit not 6 months afterb:bye

    lmao, **** YOU!
  • Posts: 751 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Whens the going away party?
  • Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Kingdom = greatest guild in HL history and always will be ;p

    Amen! b:victory
  • Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    This is starting to look like an episode of "The young and the restless"...

    Is that like a Canadian show or something?
  • Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    This is why ive always loved the forums, lol. Anyway, im hijacking this farewell thread for myself.

    In no particular order, just as they pop up in my mind:

    Hadar: 1st good clerics i met early in the server, not fond of your guild choices lol, we were supposed to carry on with our epic 2 man cata squad but at any rate your a cool dude. We will take a vacation to the mother land one day and enjoy everything jewish.

    Nurfed: Before all the endgame gear and other distractions, you were my favorite person to pvp against, always more strategic than pure fire power which is how i like to play. You were always a cool guy and one of the few people who actually played purely for the fun of it. Also, i remember one of your gangster asian pictures, and i will have a tricep contest with you any day of the week!

    Iffy: Funny little ****er. We have very similar personalities, always taking jabs at people making smart *** remarks. Fun playing with you, all i have to say is I told you so.....BLACKHAWKS FTW.

    Mali: I want to get in your chilla-villa! wow that sounds dirty, i mean literally dirty your chinchilla probably takes dust baths in there all the time, ewww never mind **** the villa. See you in GW2 i think? that is if lig succeeded in convincing you to play.

    Lig: ahhh liggy, skinny people need lovin too, i know. I dont think my opinion about anyone changed more than with you. I ****ing hated you early in the server around the QQme days, but after we started playing together we became friends and shared the desire to get **** done, not just sit around west gate and **** our time away. See you in GW2 i think?

    Michael: Crazy Australian, i dont even know what to say lol. I think i spend more time in squads with you and **** than anyone else throughout my time on Harshlands. Idk how we could have played without your extensive mathematical experiments dealing with all things PWI haha. Not sure if you were considering playing GW2, but you should and we will get our group back together.

    hofo: You reminded me more of my real life friends than anyone else in PWI. Our conversations, while awkward and embarrassing were funny as hell and always made Mali feel weird lol. I hope all is well with your girlfriend, my fellow Steven ;p. Hopefully see you in GW2.

    BO: stinky goat loving guy that gave me a heart attack every weekend cause you showed up for TW 2 minutes before the war started. We were cata partners for a long *** time and you had the same opinions as me with things and were as loyal as i was. Fun playing with you bro, you should consider playing GW2 ;)

    Honorable mentions in no particular order: Icon, Rayver, Xulin, Bloop, Endless, Rhyme, Happy, Darkfog, Koopa, Roland, Taishang, Blade, Siva, P2, Embustero, Stayne.....I know im forgetting people, i apologize, but you know if you had fun with me b:kiss

    Anyway, good times in PWI. Had a good run but all things get old eventually, too bad i couldnt have stuck it out longer so i wouldnt have to wait for GW2 like this. Kingdom = greatest guild in HL history and always will be ;p. Peace everyone, ill pop into forums when im really bored just because.

    LOL poor taste as usual... Newsflash nobody gives a flying widget what u say half the people on that list laugh at you i know i hear them every time ure mentioned. Stay gone we got enuff tool's here w/o you.

    And that other post where u trash J a page back i think? LOL jealous much? Thing is u claim to be good Jlung actually is.

    Have fun in GW2 but do me a favor ...keep useing taboob for ure ingame:pleased
    Originally Posted by Tryagain - Harshlands
    I always was a strong believer that this game took no skill. Then came Valhalla, and proved me wrong.
  • Posts: 1,420 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    LOL poor taste as usual... Newsflash nobody gives a flying widget what u say half the people on that list laugh at you i know i hear them every time ure mentioned. Stay gone we got enuff tool's here w/o you.

    And that other post where u trash J a page back i think? LOL jealous much? Thing is u claim to be good Jlung actually is.

    Have fun in GW2 but do me a favor ...keep useing taboob for ure ingame:pleased

    I see you still try way too hard at this.....and you clearly still have erotic fantasies about me. Ive been gone for so long, i know it must be hard on you, masturbating till your fingertips go raw just thinking about me. Im sorry, i hope you can move on with your life as i have.
  • Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    LOL poor taste as usual... Newsflash nobody gives a flying widget what u say half the people on that list laugh at you i know i hear them every time ure mentioned. Stay gone we got enuff tool's here w/o you.

    And that other post where u trash J a page back i think? LOL jealous much? Thing is u claim to be good Jlung actually is.

    Have fun in GW2 but do me a favor ...keep useing taboob for ure ingame:pleased

    You know your a loser when you start making pw references. "Newsflash nobody gives a flying widget", LMAO what a nerd.
This discussion has been closed.