SynysterRev - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • Gladio has 2 people that have several r9 toons doesn't make them worth anything. Lol. Gladio has not proved themselves to be anything but a nuisance to the server. As for the rankings I honestly think the rankings go like this 1. Dyna 2. Regen 3. Spades 4. Tempest 5. Kindrid 6. Devoted/Emergence As for Calamity reforming…
  • lol nice Noodle and idk was bored of old one but faction doesnt like it so gonna change it again lol
  • blah wtf my ping was outrageous b4 i went to bed last night and we were in BH SoT and everyone started dying so not only did we die we lost our bh instance and couldnt continue this is what happens when they are too lazy to shut server down for a couple hours they owe us big time
  • Ok. I understand where your coming from alot of people come in this game thinking they can hyper to 100. I agree with the post as well as Dys' response I have a 100 archer my main who i oracled and hypered from lvl 30 on but i would like to think i know it well and that most people i run with agree with this statement.…
  • Elf Love b:sin Sorry for cluttering the thread as well I had a few things that I needed to get off my chest but in the end we have no problem with InTandem or Inversion for that matter. Aubree good luck with InTandem. Peace out guys
  • Lol Esco cute....i made it completely clear in faction chat and on vent that no one with a circle was to be killed all my members complied with these terms no one in Inversion was killed until they made an advance on us and as Tox noted in an earlier post as soon as the TW ended we were out of the base so QQmoar Esco dont…
  • Alax you lie so much that it's not even funny. I'm sorry that your ego is too big for you to see past. Do not diss on my members to make yourself feel better because everyone on the server knows how arrogant you are sober or drunk. Alot of people make asses of themselves when they are drunk but for the most part Alk is…