Sylvini - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • I was thinking more as an ally, as a group that has been tainted, but not corrupted, and now is trying to turn the Wraith's curse back on them. Considering the way it's set up at the moment, I don't see PW including "enemy" races.
  • How about a new "race" of people who have been tainted by the Wraith, but not overcome by it. It could have themes like undead, greyish skin tones, facial/body tattoos, and the two classes could be Assassin (dex-based melee debuffer) and Umbramancer (Shadow mage, mage debuffer, spells that do both cold and physical dmg at…
  • There are numerous guides to it, including one stickied in these forums in Dungeons and Tactics (I think, or is it Quest Help?).
  • Ooh, I didn't know legendary weaps glowed, too. Never had one. Thanks, Alphae!
  • Ok, first off, stars: Stars range from 1 to 3 and represent the overall quality of the item. The more the stars, the higher the base stats will be, so a 3* sword will have a higher attack than the same lvl sword at 1*. ALL 3* WEAPONS GLOW (not sure about armor). When crafting, the number of stars is randomly generated, so…
  • I'm not sure what you meant, but it DOES give more speed at lvl 10. It gives .2 m/s bonus every level. As for value, when maxed, it makes the starter wings as fast as Wings of Daedelus normal. I'd say that's worth it.
  • Actually, I think this is a terrible idea. One of the best things about PWI is that you can't really powergame through cash (except for Herc and Nix). There are a lot of useful things in CS (charms, esoterica, GAs, etc.), but most of them are little more than back-ups and just-in-cases. There's no power-gear, no uber…
  • As others have pointed out, most magic mobs switch to melee when you (or your pet) melee them. Not all do, though, and they'll still use magic if you aggro more than one at a time. Actually, at these levels, it seems just about everything uses magic at a range and physical in melee. Still, even when my Mag aggros 2 or even…
  • Interesting. How did damage compare? As I understand it, PW aggro calculations are more than just DPS (extra aggro seems to be given to meleers as well as being assigned based on skills used). At the moment, I'm interested in more than just holding aggro, though that certainly is an important part of the consideration.
  • Ok, why is Bash more effective in general? If the mob has equal values of all defenses and is non-elemental, an elemental attack should do the same damage as Bash. Is there more to the equation that I'm missing? Sure, Bash is generally consistent, but it doesn't see the high values of elemental attacks, either. Laranda, it…
  • There you go! Make all the mobs lvl 20, but have massively high stats, like things that would make the FB29 boss pale in comparison, so it's a challenge for the higher lvl players, but they need lower lvl players to get any chance of drops.b:chuckle
  • I like the idea of the roaming army, though there's a problem. If there's no reward, or low reward, for finishing off the army, players will complain. If the reward is high, higher level player factions will farm these things and it'll turn into a massive KS-fest that no one under lvl 90 can participate in.
  • It already gives a warning, doesn't it? I remember it did that the first time I accidentally tried to delete a letter with an item. It hasn't happened since, so I don't know if that was a 1-time deal.
  • Do it again? At that point, you've got DQ, Army of One, and grinding, and that's it.
  • Herc for grinding, bosses, and TT. Nix for PvP (i.e. TW), and maybe for air (exp grinding) if you don't think your Petite Sawfly can handle it. Magmite for budget/low-med lvl Venos or anyone who just isn't patient enough to grind for it.
  • Umm, how about giving magic weapons bonuses like Regeneration or Zerk or Distract? Or how about giving us THREE CASTER CLASSES a little more variety than ONE weapons type? I mean, I love the idea of gem effects for things like Flesh Ream, but why the caster bias? There are enough hits against the poor wizzies as it is…
  • I like the idea, though I'd like a difference for human-form untamed, too. Maybe something like a faint spirit coiled around the character (dark red serpent/dragon for demon, gold/silver lion/dragon for celesial)? I don't know, that may not work, but something. Maybe a color-change for the animal parts (not sure how it'd…
  • Vagrant, the idea of using resources, while interesting, would hurt the economy (as you pointed out), especially for the stuff that would use mid mats and higher, which are already pricey enough as it is. I also don't like the idea of CS items for repairs, as it would (again as you said) kinda defeat the idea. As to the…
  • Yes, this is a very real problem, and it only get's worse with higher levels. Look forward to 10-20% from quests later on. The only reason I can think to not include more quests, yet include more dailies, is laziness. It takes creativity to make 10 new quests for each level from 40 on up, while it takes practically nothing…
  • My guess? The PvP crowd is, in general, the more gaming obsessive crowd. PvE is more likely to draw casual gamers, thus the ones that will grind for 12 hours straight tend to end up on PvP servers.
  • Actually, I quite plainly have accounted for the Herc skills, including what effect they would have on a Mag (not as impressive as they have on a Herc, but still very impressive skills). You may want to go back and read my posts again. On a side note, just to be clear, I would love to get a Herc, if I ever gather up the…
  • I think its you that has things backwards. You can compare Herc and Mag, and you can do it quite easily. The comparison comes to: herc stats: 4135 2672 8952 7161 2297 1225 0.8 8.1 to a golems: 2934 3240 8792 5861 1354 1003 0.6 6.2 The difference is a matter of numbers, which is the definition of a quantatative difference.…
  • Yes, I know that, and it's very impressive, but that's a quantatative difference, not a qualitative difference. The Herc is a better, suped up version, but it does the same thing, just better and sooner. Well, I don't know the exact math, but I'll bet it's because defense values increase in a logarithmic fashion, so that…
  • Umm, if you call that "trying to help", you've got some odd definitions. As far as I can see, BA$ARA was both patient and courteous for longer than necessary, and customer service responded with BS questions, ignoring his issues, and blatant elitism (as concerns the whole "American" issue). On a side note, it would be nice…
  • The principle is simple. If my pet can survive one or two hits (depending on relative damage and healing speeds), then it comes down to the effectiveness of healer versus damager. If the mob can damage the pet faster than I can heal it, then the pet dies and I run or die. If I can heal the pet faster then the mob can…
  • Yeah... you kinda missed the point there. The point is that, with enough heal, anything that doesn't 1-hit the pet can be tanked by that pet. If my Mag could take more than one hit and not die, then I just need better healing (achieved through leveling) to be able to tank it. Now sure, I'll bet a Veno with Herc could solo…
  • That's very much a matter of perspective. The pet is much like a piece of equipment, or like a genie, in it's relation to the PC, in that they come as a package deal. You can't get the pet without the Veno. Even if the Veno sits there and does nothing, the pet is only there because the Veno is, which means, as far as…
  • Alpha Male sounds like it should be nice for a Barb, but I'm not sure. I'm aiming for it on my barb, but I'm not there yet.
  • Nastasha, look into Lightning Chaser. Instant cancellation of a mob's (read: Boss's) channelling, 100% guaranteed, and it doesn't even interrupt your own castings! It can be very useful against TT bosses, especially if you're soloing them.
  • Ok, a couple of clarifications: This is flat out wrong. TT bosses, and World bosses, and probably bosses in Glade and Frost, too (I'm guessing there), are "skull" bosses, meaning they have 75% damage reduction against all player attacks. Nice thing about Venos is that their pets don't count as "player attacks", so pets do…