SultryShade - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • Personally I don't see why you wouldn't go pure at least for the first 20 levels because you kill so extremely fast you don't need that much hp (pure is 1 str 4 dex every lvl) As for your mag comment, ummm, seriously? I would recommend just getting a charm...
  • You all know there are currently packs in the cash shop that give you oracles anyway, so no matter what the server would be beyond flooded with oracles anyway, they just gave us a sure fire way to get oracles instead.
  • Well it seems the general consensus on other servers that the BM do the run quests. On DW however I have never heard of a BM doing run quests, it's always the barb, and good barbs have it done by the end of the second boss, so the BM isn't alone past there much. I have heard some people say the barb will tank the first…
  • lol immaculates, I'm with ya in that they're a huge waste of money, I have mostly beautiful citrines in my armor, but yeah... Obviously there is a difference in runs between servers, more often than not it seems DW does RB differently than other servers in many ways, and there seem to be more skilled players on other…
  • I'm sorry but I would never gamma with you with your current equips, and your "future equips" aren't that much better. Personally if you don't have at least 6.5k hp buffed I really wouldn't trust you to live. The only way I would ever gamma with ya is if I knew you had the skill to do it, or there was a great barb as well…
  • I'll roll both, but probably won't actually play either for awhile, we'll see though. Sadly a lot of pre-90 people will likely roll one and be too preoccupied with it to do much else, making the already hard to obtain gamma parties all but impossible...
  • The problem with trying to gank on this server is that there are far to many oracle babies (people who level using only, or almost only, oracles, thus making them suck at their class), so there just aren't enough good players on the server to occupy enough guilds for any kind of successful gank. That and a lot of people…
  • Honestly I think its a waste of 200m, but then again I never really understood the thinking of most TW factions...GL to all, and hf, though I honestly don't see how TW is fun...also welcome back Kardie ^^
  • Why would you disagree with using a push skill? Perhaps you don't understand what I mean. When I say to use a push skill I mean not to use it for damage, but to push those longer ranged casters into the AoE range of the archer and wiz, so that the mobs take their damage and thus die faster. While RB isn't for "average" BMs…
  • Oh yeah...totally forgot about that, k forget what I said before, get the gorenox if you can, cause we all love self healing and attack and speed all rolled into one ^^
  • Gorenox does have better DPS, but in the end it depends more on your other gear than your weapon imo. If you aren't focusing on getting all the -interval gear you can then gorenox would be better, but you could say that if you have a lot of -interval gear that the buddah is better because the more hits you have, the more…
  • Actually HF has no affect on the damage done by a wizard's DB (or at least that's the way it seem on my wiz), though it will increase the damage done by archers. At the same time however the damage being done by the BM is also increased, and a good BM will be able to keep aggro anyway, unless the archer has one or more of…
  • Wow peen, bored are ya? There are lots of incompetent twits out there anymore, spoiled by high levels, and oracles, and BHs, and whatnot, so really its a moot point, not to mention immature to even attempt listing all of them. That being said I was doing a gamma last night with my wiz, and the BM just utterly failed…
  • Ah this takes me back to my BH39 days, I had quite a few parties like this, so don't feel too bad, it happens, more often than it should in the lower levels, but still. I actually had this exact scenario happen to me twice, once on my BM and once on my LA wiz (just with a 5X barb not a 6X one), and both I handled the same…
  • Quite the interesting read on the histories, though you did mention names b:chuckle
  • Welcome back to the reporting biz Lieal ^^ I for one like reading what you and Kardie write on the TW going ons, as I am factionless and could care less about the TW map so I really don't pay attention, since I have no doubt it'll all be owned by Calamity some day anyway, but its still interesting to read (also nice to…
  • 1) you can restat any stat down to 3 2) max highland cleave, fissure, heaven's flame, aura of the golden bell, roar of the pride, aeolian blade, axe and fist masteries, drake sweep, diamond sutra (to 5 to begin with), and the marrows to 5 each. After that you should consider drake bash, and your sword and spear ultimates.…
  • I so hate you, if I ever get off my **** and level I'll eventually get those as well though so meh, gratz. On topic, yeah 3:2 is great, but imo you need to take into account added stats on your gear as well, because no matter what it won't hurt to lose a little bit of damage to get more vit, as long as you meet the reqs…
  • I don't really see anything wrong with this pic, but that could just be me not thinking like 99.99% of the jackasses who play online games...
  • Honestly if people are participating in the PK war I say they should know the risk, and either bring GAs or shut up when they lose stuff. However if they weren't actively participating, meaning not going out and looking for trouble with whoever has them KoSed, then it's really a toss up on what to do. I think it comes down…
  • First of all, I am so glad I quit this money hungry steaming pile of **** game. I like the game, don't get me wrong, but the way it is run, the constant events, all this **** ruins everything for the people who don't have thousands of dollars to put down for this. Bad move GMs, you didn't even wait an entire month to put…
  • 1) GL getting these stones put in the cash shop. 2) More often than not in games that american company's buy the right to host, the american company tends to control the cash shop content, not the devs, but contracts are different from game to game so who knows. 3) If you go to a boutique agent in any of the major cities…
  • See this is my question, I read what he said and went wtf...As far as I can tell there is no logical reason not to barrage on the eye/fake eye
  • As stated heavy without foxform is fairly wasteful, both in money and stats. Also I agree, with first hand experience, that ha/aa hybrid is VERY hard to pull off in the early levels, and in the end probably isn't worth it, unless you are on a pvp server then its debatable. I went ha/aa from lvl 1 with my veno, and while I…
  • I haven't done any RBs since this patch, but when I was in my late 70s and still learning RBs I died ALL THE TIME, and generally after about 5-10 deaths in close timing I'd get sent to 1k, but it was always rather random so who knows... As for the tideborn, I'm mostly gone from the game again, I had fun for awhile but got…
  • And yet the sage soul degeneration can replace an archer if all they are brought for is sharpen tooth arrow, not to mention knocking off 20% of a target's max hp could make PvP easier, especially if it lasts the 30 seconds that the curse does (assuming you don't follow it up with amp or some other curse.
  • ummm...well you shot down all the good options...gamma is great exp and spirit, you get to 85 then start feeding genies your exp until you are satisfied with your spirit. If you don't gamma you fish grind, they aren't that hard especially with a maxed water shield and arcane armor. If you don't fish grind I don't know what…
  • Well lets see on sanctuary I have a 75 BM and 75 veno (both retired). On DW I have an 82 wiz, 83 BM, 68 BM (scrapped cause I didn't really like him), and a lvl 55 veno I'm currently working on. As you might be able to tell I get bored easily.
  • Well I'm not there yet on my veno, but I know I'm going sage, mostly because I have some of the worst luck in the game, so for leech I need that 100% chance, and on ironwood I would never get the demon one to go off. But as the others have said, go demon if you're doing human form stuff alot, sage otherwhise, unless you're…
  • If you can't handle fighting in three dimensions you just plain fail as a player and should quit...