Suizahn - Sanctuary Arc User


  • I play on a commodore desktop, but not any desktop. It's not really old, but has an Intel Atom (that was actually meant for netbooks D:) i believe that about 1.8GHz 2gb ram (ddr2 probably) Intel onboard graphics (not HD) CRT screen. 150gb hard disk graphics constantly at "best performance" (automatic lowest graphics)…
  • I was going to reccomend an archer. Archers have great damage (leaving out aps builds, as you stated int he first post) and the playstyle is NOTHING like a tank. And also, with a cleric healing too, will probably compensate archer's low hp/defenses, It might be true that as an archer you will have a hard time tanking most…
  • What I've never seen and woud really like to have (for my barb) is This Have you ever seen one of those? 15k boneyard defectors would have to die on average for that mold to drop (which doesnt seem like an unrealistic number, because of the many lvl 60-80 people that used to exist some years ago)
  • I didn't completely get it, so Sage bp is overwritten by demon bp (second bp stays?) or sage bp always stays? Or maybe like subsea and EP, first one stays?
  • Oh, about some of the first posts: I don't ask this to help me choose which class to play, I am already playing a sage Sin (wep is only barrier thorn+9), but got curious when in the new BH bosses I ended up stealing aggro sometimes [many times] until I decided to control my damage. Sadly, no caster classes on the squads i…
  • I know, I posted there by accident D: I wanted to post here from the beggining, and didn't know how to close that other thread xD But ok, as the other one got many more responses, Can any mod close this/move this to the deep part of the forum?
  • I Really like Crimson horn: Soulsmasher, because of the Gloom add-on and the +max phys att, But i don't really like the idea of it being bound, so I would avoid that. Still, a really good bow (I bought one with my sin only because of how much I personally like it :D) And yes, Broad Land is better than this one (actually,…
  • :D
  • I know that, the waterfall in Archo's BH platform also has that effect :D Except that there are some clothes that go unaffected by that.. I was flying around there and realised my fashion AND wings couldn't be seen anymore (i was levitaten half naked there) but my pure black pants were still there :D
  • OK, I did that only because I coudln't decide which refines would be good references of weapon damages. Should I just use for example +10 and +12? Of course, not erasing the other part, only putting it somewhere less important, because for one I like to compare weapons with different refines, according to their base price…
  • Thanks a lot KawaiiJen :D (I'm glad I left the bump there with my new avatar :P) And I'm already uploading it there, so I will be editing it soon with the new host, If my worknet allows me to... Edit: Apparently it will take me longer than expected, as Online spreadsheets don't work well with some of the formulas I used…