Voted stay barb, but would like to add: Use your BM as an alt for farming Myself and many others have gone this path and it works out quite well really. You can share most of the gear between both characters. Play the barb as your main as we're still wanted in many groups (tw,trials,delta,bh's,etc...), but when you want to…
Any R8 sin choosing to use claws is a damn fool. As far as sin vs. bm for farming: True endgame sins are better farmers (stealth,BP, mad dps). For me the path getting there is alot more fun on a bm due to more variety in playstyle. If you truly intend on doing alot of soloing go with sin, if you like to group consider a…
You'll have to excuse Santa & the Dev team, seems they were out smoking crack & doing shots late last night and got lost. Don't worry, they'll find their way back SOON.
Can we sticky this for epic lolz ? b:beg Channeling.... what's that?
Well for what it's worth, only 1 faction on Dreamweaver declared this week, and they aren't a major player :)
Actually DW is/has been up for me all afternoon. But.... it has been lagging quite severely with ping spikes over 5k for me as well.
- As usual they couldn't make that happen correctly either so the event has been shortened, now starts the 23rd. Half expecting that to be cancelled as well. As for any other details, all I can say is don't get your hopes up, & you might be disappointed at best.
That and the fact that barbs & clerics reach endgame & realize they were total fools for wasting so much time leveling an outdated class, while watching the aps classes faceroll their way through farming runs without them, making less overall tanks & clerics available as they reroll.
Whar R Dee Snowmenz??????????????
Know what makes it even better? Demon Devour b:laugh
Amusing, but... All barbs really need is another increase in flesh ream aggro. Multiply current aggro factor by like 10x, we could actually hold aggro against 5 aps & caster nukes. We'd be useful in groups again. It's not uncommon for tanks to do very little damage in mmo's. It is none the less quite ridiculous when they…
I'm actually all for full disclosure of any glitches. PWI obviously isn't capable of fixing or monitoring such glitches, why not let everyone use them and at least be fair about it? Don't ask PWI to fix it, ask the mods to sticky it! b:victory
"If you're referring to the PvP Rankings topic, it was responded to this morning." No, I wasn't referring to the PvP rankings. Perhaps if I post this subtle hint here you'll get a clue......b:surrender How about you at least attempt to use features yourself before telling others they've been fixed?
Yeah real simple answer to this: PW was P2P at one time, it wouldn't stand a chance in that market anymore hence F2P edition. No cash shoppers = no more PWI. I'm quite willing to bet on that b:chuckle
Same experience, definitely not working correctly yet : \
Snowmen were on the same code line as the goons, and since everyone abused the goons so bad....... We're all getting screwed on snowmen as well as legitimate FC runs :P But yeah seriously, thsi has been answered, not happening this year : (
Ya missed one: Chromatic is a great thing to throw on the end of your buff macro to compensate for group getting fresh barb buffs b:chuckle (you do still run with barbs right b:surrender)
The trolls man, gotta LOVE the Trolls b:victory Bugs or not, game is still fun. Certain things could be handled better, but overall still plenty of things to do, and despite what everyone says, you don't have to spend money, the game just encourages it, which is kinda what most companies are aiming for :P
lol, agreed! Personally I'd highly recommend having a charm for 2cnd boss unless you're just glitching him, or have a backup healer in squad. I'd also highly recommend getting absolute domain if you haven't yet, ASAP. Can be a real life saver on pulls when someone snoozes a second too long:P Mainly though, focus on getting…
Do that many of you not realize power-leveling can be done outside of F.C. just as well as inside? Only difference being F.C. is a bit more convenient. I leveled a couple alts just letting them hyper well tagging behind a higher level character that's a.o.e. grinding. If you really want to stop people from power-leveling,…
Boy I dunno, pretty sure we don't even have HP cream on DW......b:laugh
For what it's worth I have the same luck. I can tear up 100's of mirages easily and never see + 3. On the other hand my G.F. has repeatedly brought items to +3 with less than 50. I used to think crafting skills might influence refining chances. Turns out they don't either. I have smith & tailor skills, she doesn't, go…
Lmao OP is a tool! Granted it's nice as a cleric to have "backup" options, but you can't seriously expect clerics to be able to compensate for fail squads that don't do their jobs properly.
Both are powerful, but in my limited experience I would think psy would be better for tw.
The developer class needs an update to their forum reading skill = )
Lmao, so lets say yer not trollin. That means you're still stupid enough to believe "the buzz" in game? b:laugh There were rumours sins we're gettin nerfed almost every major patch since they were released too, doesn't make it true:P And I can confirm Venus has been playing actively for quite some time, apparently longer…
OK guys, been a few days now..... Obviously Frankie isn't paying attention to the other thread linked about blessings, guess we'll hafta keep bumping this one. At least give us some response. Even if just to say we have no clue, but we're aware of the issue, and are pretending to care if it gets fixed!b:surrender
Yes in PvE devour (barb) & ironwood (veno) successfully landed results in 100 % accuracy for the duration of the fight. Assume cleric seal works as well, but since my cleric doesn't melee I won't swear to it :P The devour does have to successfully land, but after it does you'll never miss another hit on that mob! Yet…
Lol, btw PWI, 5 < five, 6 < six, that is all!
Some of us also understand mats used to actually drop in solo mode. The drop rate has been severely reduced to the point where I'm lucky to see a total of 2 mats out of 5 runs in solo mode. More often than not my expense per run outweighs my rewards w/o fairy boxes. You're accusations of being spoiled are complete BS only…