OH SO YOU'RE THE GUY THAT MAKES PPL THINK I'M A GUY TOO!!! O.Ob:shocked @OP, Account Stash stone. @the most fail troller Lylfo: Your posts are the most useless things my poor gorgeous eyes have come across. I'm sorry to say, but unless you put your tampon in the wrong place, there's absolutely no excuse for how spitefully…
I actually thought the OP was trolling when I read it. Laughed so hard. Reminds me of the BlondStar radio commerical. lol!
It would have been half believable if it hadnt been posted by NightRage, imho, annoying font colors and all.
All part of the troll, Ms Daisy.
God Dammit. >.< Just when I was loosening up enough to like you, you pucker me up again. FFS! <3b:avoid You used Tab and Enter. I give it my stamp of Legibility. /approved.
Truly. I agree. If I had known there were ever such a noob faction, I would have kept everyone. As it was, however, IT WAS EPIC!!!! lmao best 200k spent on TW on record. They actually retreated. Enemy_Bank was spammed with, "OMG you've killed everyone!!" Followed by several reports of how it took them 15 minutes to bring…
Riling up the various fails of different servers is taxing. /afk coffee break b:dirty
WOOT! Takes one to know one. Why'd you have to pull the sexist card? EVERYONE on the server knows I'm female. I'm sure sexism is against ToS as well. You'll verify since you've obviously memorized it all. I'm a nerd, kid, but even I believe the kind of nerd you are, is far worse by comparison. I do, however, concede the…
No. /10char
muahahahhahahaahhhahhaaa See kids? This is what we call "stereotyping." And in real life, this guy is a racist and he judges people on how they dress. He will most likely be barely living by coasting through life, hoping things will "just work out." What he doesnt know is that God is about to give him a swift kick the the…
Veno: Proclivity--zomg if you seen some of our posts at each other. lol Wiz: Proski-- I dont hate him. He's flipping smart. /ankles smart, tbh. (He's smart in the way that makes your eyes glaze over with teh written pwnage.) Cleric: Enemy_Bank-- BandOBros had 45 minutes against a lvl1 cleric and two rapid fire turrets. I…
Actually. It is. See? She got it. Even if you pronounce it "Back Slash Forward Slash AINTINE." She picked a name that could be expanded upon. Sometimes that takes far more creativity than your fail attempt at flaming. And besides that: My hubby think she's pretty cool. As Nova said, RT forums are THAT way. You're welcome…
I've decided that this is completely relevant to the topic of whatever this thread is.
1) Google this ****. Personally, I think its a hoax. 2)Why wouldnt it have been on the news? b:sweat 3)Why would anyone post this and likely cause panic? 4) If you sound out "Orange" really really slow, it sounds a lot like "gullible." Verify.
She's right. The BHs were implemented to help non-CSers catch up. The Nien Event makes it even more simple to get chips for most players, which, in turn makes it easier to get mold equipment if you cant get it cheap via AH or BH drop. We've been spoiled a lot lately by the double drops from those 2x events, but its the…
Cool idea OP. /10chars
Noted. /10chars
For things like this, I have decided not to correct everything about it, nor do any of my great intelligent put downs. But I must say, "Archers shoulent die in the first place they can dodge everything, hurr durr.."
Here's a Tip, if you Ps too much, use a better tampon. And remember why you got so butthurt last time... aim for the fun hole, mmmkay?
Ahem, watch this: Lasers are nerdy, sharks are nerdy, using the word "freaking" is nerdy and PWi is nerdy. You've got to be 12. And Enemy, when asked for help, gives it. Not that you would know. I'll point out your name and what you have written. You're just plain stupid. You couldnt find anything else to dig on me for, so…
I would have said, "I find it funny that Enemy is more likely to give useful info than some other guild." But otherwise, its their choice to join a guild like Impulse. The fact they want to join a guild with such a bad reputation gives me no reason to want them in Enemy. /standards
My children keep me pretty well grounded from this game. And so does a rather happily demanding British guy who happens to lead my guild. After a year and a half of playing this game, I think habit is one of the only things that keeps me coming back. After all, there are only so many Stephen King, Dean Koontz, and James…
Thanks there, AC. <3 Mecha has never really been absent, but he doesnt believe in really being close friends with his guild. He keeps objectivity in the guild and I keep joviality in it. Most days, what I say reflects what Mecha tells me. I talk, he walks. You get me. b:mischievous
My Cleric of Archosaur. I tried to make her realistic then just had too much fun with her colors. Her lips originally matched her battle outfit.
It was kinda obvious this one was a troll. But in case you need the evidence, look at OP's profile. It should have rolled PvP so it could have complained about being killed by 10x as well. Continue though. This is funny.
Lol, On LC, ExTrEmE let in a 2x for TW. Fact.
IJS. /10chars
After experiencing Proclivity/Ascii a few times, if one of him were in my guild, it would have earned a swift boot. And several emos have. Ask anyone. I'm surprised by myself, but +1, Nova. Props for defending your guild.
Using a lingo isnt the same as misspelling. Just like an accent can come through someone's writing. I also use "pro, imo, btw, tbh, brb, afk, brt, omw," etc. Using "teh" is one of my many talents. Will my usage of smileys be under trial too? QQ >.> X.x @.@ -.- =.= -.= O.o.O Edit: Oh yeah. I also "rawr" and "lawl, lol,…