Mine appear to be the same, I have received 3 of these today and although I didn't open any of them they all have the same title as a ticket I sent to PWI a while ago :/
Random question but the extra defense wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that in the first screenshot your leggings are all red (meaning they're broked or you don't have the stats to wear them) and in the second they aren't? EDIT: Ninjad lol :P
Bump! =) Still recruting all levels. PM an officer to join us b:cute
Is it not a kinda mana burn thing? Notice the little purple/blue pic beside your summer sprint. I think it's that. The sound I have no idea b:surrender
Ignore all the above lol b:surrender OlympIan has gone through some leader changes but we are now back in business =) We are now recruiting all levels! We may be small but we have very helpful members ^^ Feel free to PM the following members for info... Leader: shaynaTOR Director: bibbos Marshalls: Starleigh, Sawbaby and…