SneakThief - Harshlands Arc User


  • edit: wrong topic.. oops
  • oh yea ur right about farmin TT... can venos farm TT in party mode (have 4 people to open party mode then just have them leave)? also, for now, if i wanted to farm some money to try to start saving for one of the pets... what would u suggest doing? digging mats or maybe something else?
  • actually con does make ur hp regen faster, but its not like thats inportant anyways. it does add to defenses, but its very very little amount, also not important. u can do all intel, and no vit, but as long as u use hp shards and maybe get your final gear to like at LEAST +4 then you should be ok on health (probably around…
  • i like knife throw... nice to get the mob to start walking to u, thats about it... never thought about using a bow, but id probably be too lazy to switch back and forth lol. thanks PG^^ i needed some advice on skills also x3
  • perfect world\element\screen shots folder u might wanna save them as .png or .jpg first go to or or another site like that to host the image then post an image like this [img]linktoimagehere.jpg[/img]
  • oh haha thank you very much ^^
  • staffs are ugly ... but pretty much anything with casting time, wether it be sword, or others. the staff has a very big magic range (biggest) which can have some disadvantage sometimes (also, a little slower casting with staff)... casting faster when healing and in pvp is always best for cleric.