Slewdem - Dreamweaver Arc User



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  • Wow some people still run on about cashers... I wish cashers stop charging an see how long pwi last... Money come an go so i dnt think a casher would really care..
  • How do one say who is the best of each class? Reason i ask is this, if in a 1v1 for example i will call the sins A and B and Archers C and D.. Sin A versus Archer C and wins, then Sin A goes against Archer D and loses.. But yet Sin B defeated Archer D, but yet Sin B lost to Archer C...b:shocked My way of loooking at it…
  • DB lock down do not have a very long cd
  • vit/magic set up... holy path-faith-domain-extreme poison-wii surge,last of your choice.. i choose wii surge in case your attcking a psy I think AD is good to join in with the SB skill that restores full health an on demon add AD effect at the end of it.. oh yea that set up is built for a lvl 105 genie if you decide to go…
  • ahh thank you could not remember the new pwi calc.. and that abit too much using nuema an less dex dam would not be able to hit a LA at all
  • This card thing is all about luck.. either you lucky or your not, i popped 32 b-s boxes a few days ago got 1 S card.. Is it worth it i doubt it,why? you pop some more what if your luck is bad an you get the same slot card you got before.. They might as well put sets in botique an let people buy their sets one time.. I have…
  • Haha @ miss miss, but yea i get the idea... What so annoying is you land a roar target uses badge but fails, ok his/her genie lil low right now let me decrease evasion before i dragon rising.. **** the skill miss, ok be cool you might get lucky an land dragon rising... NUUUUUUUU IT MISSED TOb:angryb:angry Don't get me…
  • I agree Db do have a long CC lock.. Even if you manage to break away, when you try to control them there genie to save them or that instant stealth cloud skill... By time they get out their CD's are basically ready to repeat same thing when your genie is still charging up.. I could be wrong but that what i have seen 1v1ing…
  • Personally i think it depends a person goal in game for shards.. At the rate of the game now if i had to shard i would just go with vit stones just because their cheaper..I got my jades when they was about 30m per... When you really look at it attack levels will always out def levels,specially when you add in cards sets..…
  • But getting 10 A cards to trade can only be traded once per toon.. But if people have the time an patience to do that on about 15 toons + then good for them... and for the top (richest) players it would not make a difference anyways.. I still think it wouldb balence the game out
  • People already abuse everything else with alts, so that should not be nothing new.. Only nuema portal cards would be stupidly high priced.. when you really think about it, cards might not sell for alot cause am sure there are so many out there who is maybe missing 1-2 card from a set an have friends who have the cards they…
  • That history lesson though.....
  • looking at the cost to up grade to either AEU or NW does not seem like a big difference in cost.. So might aswell go the AEU just in case in near future you happens to stumble across the crown of madness helm to go with it
  • join the rest make one of the new class when you go out west it will basically be that class out there looking for pvp..b:laugh or thug it out with your archer.. if you got the patience to relevel do dailies, titles and meridians go for itb:surrender
  • b:laugh blah blah blah blah.... Who cares about #1 spot or even #2? I don't, more TW less **** talk... Even better more PK in west or where ever.. Let's break free from this cycle when one faction ahead it always the same **** over and over from the time i been playing pwi.. Lets have some fun, all needs to stop catching…
  • what about goonz who outgear kalo now.... or it turns into a class advantage over another now? no more NP card gap now lmao lmao... when it ain't one thing it another llol
  • WoW.. damn they got some patience to stay in there that loong.. Was that around the time when they just released FSP?
  • ............... One time, my friend asked me to help them withe their fsp run. They were stucked at toad, they were bunch of g16 and below. They needed a tank. I done my fsp when it resets and i don't get any reward for doing it again. But i joined and helped them through the whole run. What a coincidence, a book dropped.…
  • Me personally take my sin with my BM to fsp but sin dnt do a **** cause i can't duel play.... But i feel my BM makes up for what my sin does not do in there.. But there are those who carry 3+ alts a time an not even one that very decently geared to make up, but stil be looking forward to getting drop or random books...…
  • It really doesn't matter how much the drops are worth, its more the principle of it, it really does seem like nothing more than greed/selfish thinking... or at least that is the perception with the people who do leave alts in squad for drops/randoms.[/QUOTE] Exactly!!
  • real talk.. That what i shall start doing low HP without a good main in squad i shall start kicking them from now
  • That's cool... i kick my alt when it time to rndom an share as well cause at the end of the day i feel the rest in squad helped me save time by getting my alt done in one run... So i dnt see the need to try take more drop from a squad.. Matter of fact i don't think alts should get any drops at all because it's one person..…
  • That's all?? I wish pwi would make it where only 2 account per instance per IP, oh how thatwould put a dent in things lolol.. Matter of fact am talking about splitting an randoming
  • LMAO!!! the title of this thread reminded me of what some one pm'ed me Saturday morning when I was waiting to enter TW.... The person pm'ed me saying SPY!!!! LMAO,i did not even bother to look at the name of the person,it was to funny lol
  • spawn killing!! can some one explain to me what is this spawn killing, is it when you die in TW an you spawn on top of the step where you first enter TW? Cause in TW I heard some one from the opposite faction saying that spawn killing is when you kill a toon behind the am like if a range class is behind the…
  • I feel NW is **** now because people abuse the **** out of it with alts. I understand is a way to make coin but geeez don't over do it.. let it be some kind of fun sometimes.. then you got the set who cry about charm cost an there is not much return to cover the charm cost,SERIOUSLY basically end game gear an still cry…
  • Seal of god-hp debuff-mark of weakness-generate lost chi-sleep-hp debuff-mark of weakness-silent seal -attack, failed to kill due to no crit plume shell... rinse repeatb:surrender
  • lmao!! this happened to me the other day when i 1v1 a i got off rising at same time psy was about to psy will he got para + he had the immunity onb:cry
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