Skittler - Momaganon Arc User


  • Oh I and many others apologies profusely for bringing our concerns to your hallowed forum for english speaking players of pWI. It would be kind of you if you found it within your consciences to realise maybe we're here for reasons beyond our control. 1) When we want to leave eng language feedback about Morai the merged Eu…
  • If you click on the french or german client and chose english language option it defau;ts here to the US english forum. I raised this point here in this forum at the merge of the servers eu servers ans as of today's date not a single thing has been changed or accomplished to providing a suitable international morai forum.
  • So thanks PWI - unless you get your fingers out of your orifices and onto the coding keyboards you've really screwed up jan 6th's tw's and ofc the monthly rewards for checking in each day of the month. The Clock is ticking and by god ur great at messing things up. The point is blindingly obvious oncemore through no fault…
  • I just can't stop myself smiling. As i understand things Arc represents the future and guess which forum pages i get directed to from the new improved experience of Arc? Yep you don't need to guess here it is lmao.
  • funny old world. Got directedf to this forum from the Deutch' forum when i selected the english language version after logging into the site from the facebook link. no message anywhere did i see don't post here because we can't do anything for you until i read todays posts. If you take to long to type a mesage you can get…