I cant find that man! i looke all the apothecary guys in arch and no one have it. any ideas?
cool ty guys
first of all, 10x for the info! second thing, i think i've benn to all of the NPC and i even got a Dragon Cooper , but the quest still continues..... is that possible?
and the server "restart" in 00:00 am, right?
i'm a lvl 36 barb and in my opinion your STR is way LOW. in order to equip a lvk 37 axe u'll need 113 STR
let me clarify my question. i allerady did the first daragon quest around lvl 25 i think. i noticed that alot of mats says "requsted fot the dragon quest XX" so i need to go to the dragon quest NPC in order to get the second, third and etc?
but can u use them at the same time? where can u equpc two charms?
what servers are PvP and what PvE?