SirChad - Raging Tide Arc User


  • The only way this game will thrive again, is by a new installment. A whole new game as the next chapter of PWI. This would enhance graphics and bring the game more to the "newage" of MMOs while keeping its foundations that made us all love it to begin with. All your theories of FC or Hypers being the issue is fine and…
  • Favorite class is: Barb. How can you not like being a big fluffy animal? Least favorite: Assassin. They require the least skill to play so that makes them boring.
  • Euthymius pretty much hit the nail on the head with her reply to it. Yes i also remember when someone would hit level 100 and there was a small party and cheers for them lmao. Now when it happens the appropriate response is "How much did you spend?" I joined PWI when it first came into open beta... man i miss those days.…
  • Before tideborns came out [assassins] everyone rolled archer/BM for PvP. That was to the post above. Though, now currently the easiest class to use is an Assassin if you're willing to pay or not. I won't say that it is the best, since that depends on your skill level at the game also.
  • Nooo Good 'ol days were back when pwi first came out and no one had a clue what APs or reputation did. When the arenas in all the cities still worked and we were having huge battles in them as lvl 10s XD
  • Obviously they were all just joking around. The video was made on purpose to make the barb look pro. Which he wasn't. Just CS'd up the ***. The sin and psy alone could have stun locked the barb to the point of not being able to move far. Add in the Seeker stuns? The barb shouldn't have been able to be mobile at all. Maybe…
  • Who cares if barbs are needed or not? They are fun to play. Being 5 aps is not so fun. Okay... for the first few minutes you are 5 aps.. you're like "whoa look at my char go! He's fast!" Later you get bored because how easy everything is. Want something fun and challenging or something easy and boring? That's up to you.…
  • APS on PWI won't be getting nerfed anytime soon. Whatever you heard is **** tbh. PWI would lose so much money. As for the debate... why even ask? You are going to choose sin anyways. All the servers are mostly sins. Until they get nerfed.. (which they won't as stated above) It will remain that way. Sin is the one class you…
  • Since the TB expansion PWI is Pay2Win. But Pay2Play? No. Though to be able to farm... you need to have good enough gears to do so... Most squads wont take a average geared player. But to get the good gears you need to farm them. A vicious cycle there. Which is why MOST players on PWI do cash shop. So in all fairness... you…
  • And... i think we have winners.. barb endgame or bm endgame Those are my choices for endgame As for venos... well look how the only 2 people saying a veno is best is the two veno freinds lol. Psychics seem to be another endgame class... i havnt fought one in pk, but in duels their 6 sec stun and massive dmg(more than…