I have 91 Elysium Fowl. I am officially jealous of you(in a good way). My celestial plumpfish is 83. Water grinding takes soooo long.
I've been told that in-game GM button doesn't really work and that it's best to use the ticket system here on the site.
Cherry and Watermelon.
Uhm.. about bronies.. I dont know what it is about them that people don't like, but I feel it's a bit much. It's just them expressing their liking for that new my little pony show, thing. It's kind of like when I was a big Morrigan Aensland fan, and I used/made avatars of nothing but her. For grammar, I always thought…
Why am I not surprised that came from a wizard of all classes..
8 isn't enough? So what would 2 more do..
I used to pay the entire fee.
I used to be middle class, but some jackass managed to get my password somehow and stole 300million from me. 2 years later I still haven't recovered from that. As a result though all my characters are passworded like fort knox. You aint ever getting into my safes. Well that was my mistake anyway for not passworded my…
Gotta love how they do this when it's close to rent/house note/car note time for us older people XDD.
Not sure if this is well known, or even helpful but I'll put this here anyway. There's always those who might not know. ini changes are dynamic. This allows for easy tweaking without burning through makeovers. You can keep your char creation window open and not confirm or anything yet. Just save the ini, and then reselect…
No thanks.
I've tried the whole dex build thing with my seeker before. Works in the low levels. Don't bother with it later on. I'd say 180 dex or just the bare minimum of 155 is good enough. With all the equip you'll get, accuracy isn't going to be an issue and with nearly 400str you're got damn monster.
Been experimenting.. if we could only swap out eyebrow models.. But I'm glad I can do this without worrying about being banned heh.
I'll build us a time machine.
Oh geez the things I can do with my cleric's face.
Something probably wont be done about the player til at least tomorrow. Don't know what their hours are like on monday, but they aren't around during the weekend. and yes blacklist helps. If its full, just delete someone you know isn't even active anymore(I got tons that arent, that are on mine).
And there arent too many games out that use more than one..
When you go days, or sometimes weeks without talking to anyone, or anyone making that initiative to be friends with you, playing the game like this gets depressing. if I were to add it up...I'd say its been 1yr and some months now. I solo TT, FCC, PV on my seeker and its maddeningly boring. I ask myself everyday when will…
Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7600) (7600.win7_gdr.110622-1503) System Manufacturer: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. System Model: GA-770T-USB3 BIOS: Award Modular BIOS v6.00PG Processor: AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1055T Processor (6 CPUs), ~2.8GHz Memory: 4096MB RAM Available OS Memory: 4094MB RAM…
Other obscure GMs can be seen in the tech forum.
Hmm can open with purge I think to kill off the buffs then hope for the best. Never fought a seeker, with my seeker haha. But my tactic is always open with voidstep. For mages, I just get em with my ranged skills. That said, don't try to run from them. Stand your ground~
Yes(but not the official ones here obviously) and yes. Am not allowed to get into detail specifics. Private PWI servers are NO FUN though, you're better off here ironically..
Blademaster(68) - This was the first class I chose. I was wanting to try something different besides being a mage type, something I been doing since 2001. Didn't like blademaster though and dropped it 5 days later to make a psychic. Later on I would remake a blademaster and go further, giving it a chance. Got it to 68.…
Well, always nice to see someone voicing that they love the game.
..There's no such thing is being gone for good with this game. But the game/community is irritating enough to keep you from playing it for a few months..
Amp isn't useless no matter what as it benefits everyone. And even though I don't play veno anymore, something is wrong if you're not regularly stealing aggro from your pet around lv90-95. Between Demon/Sage Ironwood and Venomous Scarab, it should be close to impossible. I don't know about shroud buffs myself but Im fairly…
Client takes no prisoners.
And a certain fantasy game.. 10yrs strong.
If the client does'nt crash upon teleporting to Tellus or West City, then something is wrong :P.
But you're not done with skills yet. And 6mil lasts someone 100+ maybe a few minutes :o.