Shizuka_me - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Have you gotten the client doen yet or decided on a Server?
  • While I fendimenatally agree with the statement. Unfortunatly my job and real life prevents me from playing enough to actually start things up. Sadly, So I need to track down somewhere with a established group to pop in one for my 1-4 hours every 1-2 days LoL. The Game is better suited to RP than one might think. The…
  • Honestly I am extreemly surprised at how few responces have come in on this. Maybe I shouldnt be concidering how few responces were on other RP threads in here :-( I sadly kinda got in trouble for trying to post on an old trhead to get ahold of the other RPers in those convorsations.... So I have no clue what else to do. I…
  • I honestly Have not found a Game that I could really RP in since UO (fairly certain this is no longer really competition in the Online Gaming market).... PKing and Power Gaming has taken over the Online RPG market. I'm quite happy with my character Never seeing the inside of a dungeon or doing major fighting (If thats the…
  • I've always found that {Caps} causes me to0 shout at people in game by making my typing funky.... PTT as a Z Key is OK but if you use a word with a Z in it it may annoy Vent users I found (As did my friends) Grave Key ~ is upper left on the keyboard and works well (No shift required) And TAB on my Laptop works well. While…