Sheo - Harshlands Arc User


  • The server is death, all the biggest and highest players of the server are in another game (I will not say the name but u know :P ) My guild for example have: Homey Shana DMN Chox Khaos AntiHero Angerr Dejavu Bohem Sheo Nekrataal Hydra ... ... ... All players who are here from the day one and a legend, In this game I spend…
  • My opinion, in next 3 weeks all small guilds and Kingdom will start to atack Kylim :P Ps. I dont care if Kylim or Kingdom will prevail but one of them will go down, gl to the winer
  • ... and u forget to tell while Kylim was in peace with QQme and Crimson Kylim say to QQme where are Crimson members and to Crimson where the QQme members arem so is all about greeding or u are talking about someting u dont know? Maybe lie a bit more ? Why u start a kylim thread if u are just lying? there are lots of…
  • I alws know u are ****, PWI is a black huge men b:laughb:laugh
  • Cya in that game wih 4 letters, and yes is very hard for a archer to win if they dont cash shop like hell
  • this post has been removed
  • Yep.. another carebear server ...
  • Another event for QQme... we will be there for fun, is cool what u try to do but this is a pve server seems ppl like to run when they saw a fight. Nice idea QQme keep going
  • Fudencio is the only who can kill angeRR, I almost die of laught when I saw the name... but Caga_bolotas is hard too...
  • Next time i start pk, let me just get very close to my target to check gear or ask him before what he is using ^^b:laugh
  • I was lagging too ... but I was downloading **** b:dirty
  • Members asked to you kos QQme? Is good they are just members, I remember when your top archer Nova_ say he will kos all guilds and get the world when he was in QQme, guess some players can say lots of stupid things, I used to like u too but with the time I realize we are very different. First : Before the server start I…
  • No need to lie just because u are not a good cata puller Icon, in our forum we have a POLL so the ppl can decide if we can stay rpk or no, atm the NO is wining, is hard to find KD or Kylim so is your fault, in this guild major decisions are made by guild members, next week will be a new poll: Should we do World Boss and…
  • LOL ? for 1 or 2 times 1 single WB was inside the base for 5 seconds, you dont destroy one single tower, you dont even get one single tower at 50%, go check how it was your towers and crystal. Sry to say this with respect to some good players in KD but that was not even a fight, was the brainless TW I saw in 3 years of PW…
  • When QQme atack us they are a fresh guild, TW is not about lvls or numbers, is how good u can play togheter and with 2 weeks max will be impossible to play has one, after all this time continue to be dificult for us, but yes, the best fight till today was QQme, they got lots of good players but by that time they are…
  • U sure ? lol why dont they send 2 catas laca A and 2 Lane C? he cant be in every place at same time, but gogo Antihero that was epic
  • well antihero cheated, I listen the vent conversation and in that point he was already saying he would **** DarkLotus ****, you can just see this here:
  • If Icon and Echo where from my guild and I was the leader I will kick them in the middle of the tw and invite later, they are pulling catas, with so many WB they are pulling catas, we dont even need to debuff, was just: this cata... down And someone said at the end our crystal is 100%, course it is, if there is 30 minuts…
  • Ascii you have more then 3 choices, the best will be leave lvl 30 alone and go pk 60/70/80 and all this would be avoided, btw I never saw u in a pk war, why ?
  • No Eragon just w8 for antihero we will reborn this mess in minuts
  • This game keeps disapointing lots of ppl and for some ppl you are a disapoint, what is here in game is not the fact of killing 3X with 1 hit, is what u did to the guild, you dont kick 189 players, you kick 189 guildies, ppl who trust in you, your GM put in your position so you can help the guild to grow, I think is time…
  • I miss the number of times Ligeia and me do a 1vs1 but I can tell u Ligeia never run from a fight, even 2vs Ligeia and he stay there, Icon take this easy is just a game, you got 2 big guild vs 2 big guilds what is the problem? Do u prefer 3vs1? What kind of server this will be?
  • would be fun LeslieFoxy but u must have balls of steal since you dont put your name here, coward and come this pu ssy talk about balls lol what a joke This is how hard I will **** you :
  • Foxie u are really pathetic , first u use a alt to write here .. what a coward. Second for what I read you are KD, when you start to have a kos come talk with the big mens till there u are just a little kid, are you afraid of something by trying to put QQme against Crimson? b:laugh Will Crimson and QQme be ally/neutral to…
  • ++++++Ligeia for last few weeks was Kd or Kylim trying to force a ally to 3vs1 after Heavenly goes out, some members of QQme make me see some of them are cool, no I am not changing my speech, I continue dont like ppl who bot but at least QQme are doing something for this server, we are just tired of having fun togheter ,…
  • I just enter the game , kill one QQme and... give him back the money for doll... wtf? we are no longer kos, and we have more kos now? finally this server will start to be fun, I am just glad this will not be a 3vs1 has u suspected this will end because a little bird talked to me and said lets go all vs QQme. This reminds…
  • I think u are forgetting what u get last time u try b:chuckle you kill 2 towers and 1 time or two u saw our crystal, we kill all your towers and almost destyroy your crystal b:victory
  • Is a FREE Dungeon, if u die u loose nothing, not even XP, u can repeat how many times u want day, entrance is free, is easy to go to boss 4 so in less then 1 hour is like 500k XP if u managed to do all boss u get almost 2 Million XP in 2 hours and 30 minuts, rewards are lots and lots of cash, pages, mirages and G8 stones,…
  • First use your main char and not a alt, second the other guilds are getting lvl?? Gear?? For lvl check QQme and gear? Well check my, we have been in kos since the begin of the times and we are now 2 guilds total full of members, lvl without problems and with decent gear, who said you need to be carebear to lvl up ? This is…
  • Hehee yes Epic QQme say write good about us or we will kick your familly or... is just what I feel and I have eyes and the truth is this server is soooo PVE. Ps. and if u kill me in 1vs1 I will put your name near angeRR name :)