Shadrika - Sanctuary Arc User


  • How much contribution does the Jealous Ex give? So that we might know about how many times someone would need to summon him for 100k+ contribution? Any other lists of contribution points, like how many the mini-mobs give would be helpful. b:cute
  • Shrine of the Tides? I've been wondering about that one myself.
  • Shadrika: Why do you keep saying you're going to work on your alts and retire me, but you keep coming back? When can I retire?!?! I want more than a few-hours-long vaca. b:cry Oooh~! Can I have this, that and those? Me wants a Ninetails mount even though I can fly everywhere!! How about that dress? Or that outfit! That wep…
  • I've played my cleric for nearly a year now. It's been slow leveling because I've come and gone from the playing PWI, ignored builds, tips, and hints from here on the forums and kinda built my cleric wrong(But hey, no big deal. At least I've survived for the most part.), and I try to solo a lot(Which isn't so bad until I…
  • I haven't been on in months and just recently got back to playing, so I had no idea there was going to be a new race. Where have you heard of this?
  • The same thing is happening to my friend. He's certain that it's nothing to do with his internet connection or such because everything else works fine. But it's very annoying when he gets disconnected and the game says he's still logged in and then when he finally manages to log back in 5 or so minutes later, he's been…