may it happen on lost today so we can see hows you feel
11/13/13 pwis verion of the purge i said it in wc so ill say it here if yah havent played with cash good luck getting anything back
is there a way to get a refund for 5 years of playing? im not a cash player real life money has gone in when weve had extra or as a anniversary gift from hubby christmas maybe tax season refud but for last 2 years weve been cash poor as kens cancer has left him disabled and me his caregiver during this lovely reset ive…
thank you for telling us nothing is fixed we all thought that the lil red off icon was just a trick i know your bored and tired of tapping let us play and we wil let you continue napping only arch is broke and dead im tired of waiting and off to bed since you use poetry and rhyme as props when arch is bak up we will take…
blessings and dq rewards wont list toons on arch we are gone and just ghost remain trapped on forums
2x xp be nice for our hours waiting patience running thin on a regular maintance??? snafu even my bacon eggy sandwiches and coffee provided by other players from arch left me feeling empty and somehow unfufilled
nope have to blame ken im to cute for it hes never on forums so its all his fault
we are the only ones left on forums ....everybody elses servers are up ugggg
hugs hun
maybe give us 2x xp on arch for the time weve lost uggg
we also live on a fixed income hubbys been batteling cancer since 2009 so we live on 730 a month never thought id say this but damn farmville is looking good
im gonnna miss this game
build plant trees fruit nuts whatever grew 20 ish acres every 2 to 3 citys a free you hungry you pick and eat park and hope it spreads globally
thank you i hope this helps 5 year vetern and didnt get last years either sigh
since beta have tried every server and left the game from time to time due to my hubbys health and life but when i game pwi and arch is home
a makeover scroll so when i hit 90 in real life i can make myself over to be 12 what good with a resurrection scroll be if i resurrected myself at 90? lol
id take the bodyguard with me into trophy mode so i could winnnnnn capes and other goodies
sages as we want the good guys to win
you sure the girls said they would meet us here asks the veno ?why ask the other two? turning slowly to reread the sign welcome to your perfect bar mitzvah.........
i agree and a week maybe was enough to give a few the way to play the game why not just allow hypers for 80 85 plus? let the lil guys learn and earn the how to play of the game was so nice seeing upper lvls helping smaller ones giving advise not selling it and noone got head this week so stds were cut down as well world…
i agree and a week maybe was enough to give a few the way to play the game why not just allow hypers for 80 85 plus? let the lil guys learn and earn the how to play of the game was so nice seeing upper lvls helping smaller ones giving advise not selling it and noone got head this week so stds were cut down as well world…
Po i am your father...... and mom? Last call maintenance and i was lonely
FOR caprion contest Are you sure this is what carpooling means?
sometimes reading forums is like being in a room full of menstruating woman plz take some midol a hot shower grab some hot tea and change your pads Ladies
meh we go thru this every week its 130 am here so servers still have at leat 30 to 43 minuets before they open as if you actually follow pwis scheldue they are always late by 73 minuets at least lolb:chuckle
how to keep forums lively for dummies chapter 1 advertise a time for servers to be up chapter 2 never meet that time chapter 3 reread book dummie
If it was a tv show i wonder if it would start on time? or be listed as now on at 1 am every tuesday [or whenever] and not be on till at least 1 hour and 13 minuets later? lolol
Perfect World where all races battle together to beat all wraith corrupted kind to save our beautiful reality.
the typoing dead
jumbies and the toons they suck