SericiaRose - Lost City Arc User


  • I hear ya. It's really upsetting.. I've only been playing this game since August and its going down hill already... What's the fun in a game that is pretty much giving you levels? Yeah, the new BH is a bonus, I enjoy getting about 15% a day from them, but isn't that a little much? =/ And these new hyper stones? What kind…
  • I'm thinking about grinding in Nightscream... there's some pretty good mobs in there I suppose. Is there any other mob for grinding around my level? [78] Not looking for exp, just looking for mobs with tons of drops, so I can finally get the armor/weapons/resets/pet cages/fashion that I so desperately need. b:surrender One…
  • Perfect World; Now 67% easier to cheat! Seriously.. I thought this was a game. Not a race to see who can be a high level just to show off and pwn some noobs. =/ I thought you were supposed to do quests and WORK for your level. Oracles came along, no biggie. Now this. This is just for pathetic lazies. Just sayin.
  • I've heard that the doll will save your exp if you right click it when you die, but I'm not too sure if that's true. Good luck ^^
  • O.O Jeeez layday, you coulda told me you were putting that on forums > .>;;; And err.. why do our faces glow? e.e XD
  • Would someone mind sending me that file as well? I'm facing the same problem, and I seriously cannot live with PWI. QQ It also seems that upon downloading the newest patch, my computer has a HUGE virus. The internet works fine, but starting up my computer is tricky, as is starting up the game. Just my luck.. Verifying…
  • It seems like lots of people are having this problem. It's quite depressing and I hope it's fixed soon.
  • Same to me!! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one... QQ Ever since the new updates, this has been happening. But it seems that if I verify the files, it works after. You guys should give that a try. But right now it's been 'verifying' for 3 hours...