Searing - Dreamweaver Arc User



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  • Your so called ''test'' is inconclusive. You essentially brought a gun to a fist fight; the end result & difficulty achieving the kill were obvious from the start. If you want to ''test'' 3-1, like several suggested before, do it with a 85-90 squad using average gear, then you can talk about how hard/easy the TT is to…
  • My favourites: Cleric - Aegis Spirit Archer - Barrage Barbarian - Armageddon Venomancer - Malefic Crush Blademaster - Heaven's Flame (Myriad SS comes real close tho) Wizard - Blade Tempest Psychic - Earth Vector Assassin - not sure, mine's only 52...Deaden Nerves i guess lol
  • Potions can sell good, particularly God's Tea (+1.5 sparks) and the ones that reduce the damage you take for a certain amount of time (same level as God's Tea). I sold a lot of these at my servers favourite PvP spot and right before TW (gotta tele around to see where some faction is meeting b:chuckle).
  • Just tried, didn't see any change in pdef on pet after debuff. I assume it becomes 0 on nix since it doesn't have extra pdef buffs on its own. I think herc's extra pdef from buff stays, just his base gets destroyed (hence why a lvl 75/80+ herc can tank and a lvl 95 nix cant). Edit: Just tried with cleric buff 0…
  • I think it's a 100% physical defense reduce debuff, not a pre-set number like 2k pdef or 5k pdef. Level 96 Nix (over 9000 pdef) dies at Jewel after debuff. Herc needs more healing than i'm comfortable with for such a low level boss after debuff (but gets saved by the pdef buff it comes with).
  • It's random. He might pull off 2-3 debuffs, he might pull just one..guess it depends on how fast he dies. The more firepower you got the better. Jewel has low HP so you can actually do him without a proper tank/cleric even. We used to do him with a 2 wiz + veno combo where we'd all triple spark and send his **** to…
  • His debuff is pretty random. Sometimes he casts it really soon, sometimes he's almost dead before he does it. The attack that looks like an archers metal arrow is actually the physical debuff. I think he only does physical attacks (normal and aoe), and no metal ones (not 100% sure on this so a second opinion would be nice).
  • The 2 sec channeling and such are not direct attacks, those are debuffs. 0.7s melee attacks are not nearly enough to demand any kind of channeling equipment, please. :/ And FYI, its not all about channel, its also about Cast time. In other words, Your Armageddon, Sunder and Onslaught take longer to execute than over half…
  • Every skill ingame has channeling except the instant cast ones. Fox Form's attack skills are melee so channeling would do nearly nothing. You can wear channel ornaments on your barb too in this case in order to ''increase DPS''. b:laugh
  • Not exactly quite sure what you meant with channeling, but just to be clear, a venomancer in fox form uses melee attacks for offense bar a few debuffs, so channeling wouldn't really do anything. Back on topic: Endgame full interval BM > regular vit barb build for tanking due to aggro. If barb also manages full interval…
  • Precisely what Solandri said. Hercs are good, but at some point nothing will save you if there's crappy HP behind that wall of defense. Might i add that hercs without a special skill called Blessing of the Pack don't even reach 5k HP by level 100. On the other hand, you have people that can solo (or tank in squad) bosses a…
  • If you can get a lot interval then by all means do so. You can still skill spam as much as you want, but your normal attack damage will shoot through the roof. Most sin skills take around 2 seconds to execute, a full interval sin can perform 6 normal attacks in that amount of time. Even if we take lvl 10 Chill of the Deep…
  • ...what does owning land have anything to do with it? I'll bite -> I am in a TW faction, we do own land and after a crapton of TWs i've only met maybe 10-12 or so people i absolutely cannot kill by myself because their gear is like +10 average. I can compete with everyone else toe to toe (got some problems with barbs…
  • It's also the wrong answer.
  • You can do fine once you know your way around this game..particularly the market. You can also be competitive in high level PvP as well if you put some effort into the game (no need to spend money). There are some players with toons ''worth'' even 20-30k USD, but those present a very very small % of the population and you…
  • I farmed a Secret of the Dark Spirit ring with Dragon Quest...whole damn thing almost (i cheated on the last 2 gold orders and bought them >.>) Not really because i need it, but because it's one of the few hard to get & very rare items ingame that can't be obtained via packs or regular dungeons (and you sure as hell won't…
  • Those channel debuff, sealing, aoe machine **** in eastern part of hell.
  • and flying pets... ._. On topic: Binding posts seem like a good idea.
  • Idk, we'll see. I played Torchlight for a few days, but i didn't experience the awesome atmosphere of D1 or the good gameplay of D2 (longest time i ever played a game -> 5 years online + 1 year single player). Torchlight was kind of too easy, maybe an online version will change that. In any case, D3 is a title they can't…
  • Same here. I used to love this game, now i kind of like it maybe (habbit of playing here more than anything else...), but when D3 comes out i'll gtfo of PWI faster than you can blink.
  • Those are exactly the people i sell gold to. I sell gold to the highest bidder -> they set their price, not me. No, not all. If nobody was still willing to buy gold at that price it would drop. Apparently, someone was still buying it so here we are.
  • Like i said, i don't raise the price, i sell to people for whatever they're willing to pay. Secondly, if all the gold gets bought up only the high gold prices will remain which forces they buyers to buy at higher price as well. You can't expect last gold pieces in AH to be 500k and buyers still buying at 350k. The Buyers…
  • What happens when packs hit the CS? You got gold ranging from 350-375 let's gets bought up in minutes. Then you get the 375k-400k range...gets bought up again by buyers. They drive the price up in a few hours at start of packs! Do you think as sooon as packs come everyone removes their gold from sale and…
  • Uh, you're not understanding something i think. With buy low/sell high you're not driving the prices of gold up or anything like that. The buyers do that themselves, not the sellers! I buy lower gold now, but i won't sell it later on at a ''high price'' so to speak. That's because the gold was already driven up by Demand…
  • Really? Because i turn this computer off for once a month for cleaning, and it's still happily running after 3 years of usage (although PWI is not the reason, just a side thing i can run). And i don't care if you care about merchanting or not, this was not the point we were discussing. Either you're dirt poor and you're…
  • I get what you're saying, but your 1st post made it sound like you need a genius for playing a wizard whereas any idiot is enough for psy. That's what i didn't like. And yes, a drawing would be nice anyway.
  • I don't cash shop either. The whole point of buying that 1 gold for 355k is so you can re-sell it at 450k when there's a pack sale. Eventually you'll be able to do that with 10 gold. Then 100. Eventually you wont even need to farm at all. You're not wasting money, you're investing it. Best part is, whole thing takes 20 min…
  • Did you even read my post earlier? You don't have to look at catshops at all to merchant.
  • You're doing it wrong. Looking at catshops won't wield results 99% of the time. A few examples: - Token event sale -> stack up on tokens, sell them after sale is over (usually you can make 3-4k per token). - Gold priced at 325k lets say? Buy as much as you can, sell it for 425k+ when packs hit the CS and gold price…
  • ...the hell are you talking about? Are there like a dozen lvl 100 fail wizards that re-rolled a psy and suddenly became good?
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