Science - Lost City Arc User


  • Doesn't really dispute the first post you directed towards me where you implied everyone was licking CQ's balls because they were responding to a thread about CQ (Widely though of as #1 guild on the server) in a pwi forum (Pretty sure the game we're currently playing), and then ended of with the classic rapper "You digg?!"…
  • How does being shot at imply I'm a gangsta? You need English comprehension classes; that or glasses because you read that (or read into that) all wrong.
  • I stopped because you and Shaye (known troll) stopped making any sense. You insinuated the notion of people licking your balls and sucking your **** because they were discussing your guild. I debated it and called you a e-thug for speaking in that manner. . . I'd say that about sums it up
  • Shaye you're a moron. Re-read the post and then get back to me. . . . I called him/her an e-thug and he/she replied to me. You're such a troll you just jumped on the first thing you saw and ran w/ it lol. Sorry but you failed. You don't even troll correctly. Besides I'm college educated and have interned for quite a few…
  • I can pull the in real life card because I speak to others with a common sense of respect. . . next 1. Not from Harlem 2. You're the one on a gaming from telling us to lick your balls and give you brain when most were just stating what they felt about the original post. 3. If you quote my post and then proceed to state…
  • You don't know where the term originated from either genius. That's like saying you know who spoke the first word in human history. . . Slang is passed on and cycled through so many regions and peoples it's almost impossible to note the originator. My final point is I call you and e-thug because nothing derogatory you said…
  • Lol I'll stop here. That's what I love about gamers; they stay talking to you as they would even raise their voice in your direction in real life. So the e-thuggery isn't really necessary w/ me. I've seen people get dropped literally, had shots fly in my direction, knives pulled one me, etc. So keep all your Dipset talk…
  • Yeah we all obsess over CQ. I mean I literally have become an insomniac just thinking of things to write about this guild. . . in the one reply I've ever mentioned them in. *Note I don't think you were speaking directly to me, but just disagree with this notion* I think Raven's initial post was asinine, but you're on a…
  • Raven, as usual you seem pretty uninformed. Granted CQ were dropping aoes on KoS and non KoS alike, but earlier today I saw a GZ member doing the same. I do get a laugh from these "High Morality" guilds that random pk seldom to frequently. I figure if you want to random pk just own it and quit the world chat/forum lip…
  • I played 9 Dragons, but was too busy with school and work so I didn't stay long. Other than that I wasn't much of a gamer; a few consoles here and there though. . .
  • I think the main problem is the level cap. You spend so much time trying to level, make gold, get equipment, etc that if you get wrapped up in random pking you wont be able to stay competitive. So most take the "Rush to 90 approach" while others level slower to enjoy the pvp, or more so the pking side of Lost City. If the…
  • If I didn't have better things to do I'd scroll through my screens of you apologizing to me after I stuffed your attempt at flaming this low level who was advertising his guild on world chat (a.k.a. Xsilm's I don't get enough attention in real life hub) It was pure comedy. Xslimeriax was going on about how it's a female in…
  • Good point. I've never seen any official statement, but I'm not on the forums or Perfect World related webs much. All the information and arguments I use are based from players in game (Many being Venos). So if this is the intended damage so be it, but being on a pvp server and fighting against them I can say personally…
  • The cool down on apothecary items takes quite a bit of time and I'm assuming you know this. So for quick killers such as Mages or Archers this can work, but if you can't take a Venomancer out in two or three hits it's not a valid solution. Also 1 vs 1 this may work, but being ganked or in a guild vs guild situation it wont…
  • First and foremost the "bugged" skill should be fixed. If every other class and their skills are subject to a pvp damage reduction then Venomancers and their phoenixes must be held to the same rule. With that said I'd like to address this issue of players feeling every class should be adept at every type of combat. I for…
  • Jesus all your post are so devoid of facts I don't know why I continue to debate you. First and foremost I didn't invite Millia to anything. In every run we had a squad ready to go and split the mats evenly. VVarLord would invite Millia and then the greedfest began. If her mat dropped in the first run that she paid for I…
  • Speak of the pot calling the kettle black. To my knowledge masses of BLT wouldn't return until you left, and not only did you leave you went to their KoS. So who's so disloyal now? Raven you may be able to beat me in game, but before you challenge my intelligence in real life educate yourself. Being that my self esteem…
  • Admin feel free to lock both threads. I proved my point and all Miliia did was troll and then create a separate thread of his own. . . Very clever Millia and a great way to take the attention off my original post while avoiding actually explaining your actions. So I'm done you have way too many low tricks for me.…
  • Incorrect I just cleared my FL and asked VVarLord to be in my FL last week, so that wont cut it. My name is simple and easy to remember so he would just whisper me for runs. The real fact is that even yesterday he and another in pt thought you were **** things up. VVar didn't want to say anything because he just got in GZ…
  • The point is if I was the greedy one they wouldn't be running with me right now. You're extremely dense. I already posted the screen of your own guildie stating he wasn't inviting you because it causes too many problems. Dots connected b:lipcurl
  • You make no sense. . . I'm enraged because I wrote a long post about you? To be honest it really wasn't that hard. I stayed up long nights in internships typing 10 times that amount daily, so writing a few paragraphs really isn't that hard. . . or at least not for me So call QQing, question your own guild mates credibility…
  • Label it whatever you want Millia, but calling it "QQing" doesn't negate what I'm saying. You have no intelligent response. You're a simpleton, so I could care less about destroying your reputation. Fact is I'm running a HH with you're guildies, it's going hella smooth, and you weren't invited purposely (Because you call…
  • You're reaching Millia. . . I don't need to say anything else. If you want the detailed and accurate description read my thread. If that's too much reading for you read Millia's thread with my responses And once again you're wrong. Nobody said you stole the mat. You asked for a gold mat in a random HH 80 run. We agreed on…
  • I'm done. You name no names and seem to be making up random ****. Where's the proof? As we speak I'm doing a run with your guild and no one was greedy enough to call gold mats. Why you ask? Because it's obnoxious to call gold mats in a random party. Millia you've been weighed and measured. . . synopsis is you're a problem,…
  • I'm past trying to slove anything because we're already past that. I'm proving a point now. . . and I'd say I just did. Also it's petty to you because it's not your dispute, but that's another story My last statement is Have some manners and don't come into random mat/money runs calling gold mats. It's greedy and obnoxious
  • Instead of fabricating event's like you I'll just negate your fallacies one by one. 1. You claim for these stipulations to be my rules, but in HHs I run with VVarLord we do even splits (Tank and clerics get a bit more for hiero burn, and the provider of the subs gets reimbursed with mirage stones). The only time this…
  • Raven I don't know you, but honestly I've never heard anything good about you. . . I'll end this very shortly. You're this persons guild mate and obviously extremely biased. I'm not in GZ so you really shouldn't assume everyone knows what's happening within your guild (Common sense right?). Or maybe you're that…
  • You obviously can't read. . . I'd go through it again, but what's the point? You're illiterate. . . I didn't need a share of the gold mat. Notice how I didn't mention one thing about me wanting or needing a portion of the gold. Point is the stipulation was set for Millia to pay 3 subs for one run. The run she paid for no…