Again thanks for the little info on these. I was thinking of selling perfect stones to save space, but looks like I'll need for Genies ^_^ P.S. Love your guides!!!
Here I thought that FB was short for Fuben = dungeon in Chinese
I was flying over Etherblade Lake and got DC'd, thought it was the clothing sets fault. Didn't know it bugged something else. I had like 3 sets of this....should of saved them. Oh, well.
Been tracking too ^^ have 10 GM's on aseperate window. lol
I was indeed. There's gotta be bug around there or something, attempted again....still no go. Time: 4:21am. Attempt #5 to log on to character.
Any idea what's going on? I wasn't auto-pathing but flying manually. I attempted safe log, but it still booted me.....ugh, this bites. i wanna play.
I was flying over Etherblade Lake when the game booted me out and popped this weird message box me. Now I can't even log into this character! i can log on to my others but not this, and I'm so close to leveling too! What is going on? Please help, I've worked to hard on this character.