Savannahh - Lost City Arc User


  • ... as much as I get annoyed at high level players pk-ing lower levels (like me)... they make this game more fun and exciting... not all games get your heart racing and have you swearing like a sailor while you're trying to remember to hit the ctrl button and manuever your mouse and character so that you can, at the very…
  • ... it's like you all are talking in a foreign language... I didn't understand half of what any of you said... it's like you're talking in code! *L* I wonder how long it will take before I'm fluent. :-) My goal is to become the best PKer in ALL THE LAND! Muuuaaahhhaaahhhaaa
  • SoAsian -- if you're actually apologizing for being a murdering **** in this game, I will lose all respect for you! Are you a punkass, pissant who pk's lower levels because you can't fight against people your own level? Yes. Do you make this game more interesting and fun? YES! You took my pk virginity.. and I'll never…
  • "The debuffs are Elemental Seal and Dimensional Seal (level 19 and 29, respectively.) When maxed, Elemental reduces the target's magic defense by 30% and Dimensional reduces physical defense by 30%. However, each is a double-ended sword and also reduces your own values by 30%. You can get past this by purifying yourself…