Sarasen - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • only responding to yours becuase the rest were kind of expanding what u said :P soloing pulls like in fc, tt and **** i didnt mean the bosses, TT100 mat is 50m looool 10 bl tokens there 5m each by far the cheapest way to goto nirv since raps are 2m each....on DW anyway not gna go for rank because it will cost me about 80m…
  • not relating to this topic but i thought i may aswell add it in here rather then making a new post...HOW DO I GET THAT CAPE QQ on my server wing trophys are like 85m+ now so yh, f that shizz, not a fam of aps so i want a cheap cape i can throw away without crying lolb:surrender
  • LA fails for bms even if it is just 2 peices, id say go lionheart boots and ashuras ornaments, then when u got enough cash for tome get that, trash the ashuras and get warsong/cube
  • Axes are what make a BM a BM, without axes we would be like sins, except sins out damage us by far if u wana be a fail bm then yh, go fist only... if u wana go fists/claws u shud still cary some axes for HF becuase without HF ur a fail. Bms>Sins because of aoe, aoe=axes...imo anyway