I wonder if the server morai is online sorry my english is not good
SweetieBot pls statue for all server :x
SweetieBot pls statut server
SweetieBot can you report server status plss =)
ty and sorry my english so bad
SweetieBot give me a all statu server please :D
i think maybe my accèss fournissor net buged its possible no ?
i see serveur morai for me the server has 3000 ms but m friend in-game a no problem with connection and one friend in-game has same problem impossible to connect server morai sincen 18:00 time EU
--' why juste at moment or i have nation war today good bye nation wars
there i have my char but in clic to start i have not response :3 just *you are deconnected to serve pls relog again* and i have 3000 ms oO
I have problem for connect to pwi by server morai i choice server i enter my pass in-game and i have not my char ..... just b:shutup
Why its always server morai buged or dc