b:shocked when....
thanks for the repleis ill try that out for alter and being skils more then any else.other then that if sm1 try out and record or smthn il love see any else class then a barb tanking and oing it ( NO OFFENSE BARBS. i got a barb too bt i wana see who all can do it after all cant find a kitty for each n every bh)
hmm this went off track all i wanted see if sm1 replie to this thread that has done those boses and is nt some op geared 105 jst some 101 lol with some 7k decent hp? or 10k bufed with cleric etc and NOT a barb i jst wana knw if they are doable with a skiled bm/archer/wiz etc jst other then barb as i knw barb can do the…
sorry i am bad with these things maybe u can link me the thread that tells abt sm1 other then a barb explaining things how to kill boss and how he did ty