I reccomended the ideas for every single update from the making of the game, up until TW being ruined.
Yea...but you have a wiz in this whole post is invalid.
Going to camp 3x questing areas and get 200hrs red name off you.
Whenever I tank an FB/BH 59 or higher, I tell everybody that if they leave to turn in BH, then I'll leave the squad...they don't leave.
Level 79 barb skill(I forget the name) provides 10 secs of invulnerability to stun/sleep. But at your level, I really don't see why you have trouble with them, maybe not being to hit them, but sins at lower levels shouldn't really be able to kill you easily.
Can you trade drugs with a person while a police officer is acting as mediator...probably not..
Each piece takes 32 Swords, each sword taking 9999 Chips, meaning, $1,000. The full cost of R-9, is more than ANYBODY has spent in this game, the cheapest you are going to get the full set for, is going to be around $60,000, not including refines(that is for the armour ONLY, 300k rep is quite costly also).
there is nothing good inside any of those random chest...I spent about 5 hours one day constantly farming the same ones over and over, best thing being a 3* lvl19 weapon or something.
yea uhh no? AA+HA are veno builds, LA if you are what, like 6x? If you really do have a 101 veno, then you would not have said LA+AA, or if you do have a lvl101 LA veno, then that is kind of sad.
Each class has a special quest, starting at lvl 19, and continuing in intervals of 10 lvls after that. It is an FB, where you go inside of a cave/dungeon/whatever and inside are mobs, around your level, but a lot harder than others of that level. At the end of the area, there is a boss. That boss has a chance to drop a…
Sins can pop out of stealth, demon spark, and kill me, so I demand that barbs be changed so 1 point of vit=50 HP.
The color of your name changes while attacking/having killed another player. Blue= Under lvl30, or not in pvp mode White=Over lvl30, in pvp mode, has not attacked anybody Purple=You have attacked another player, white name or not Light Pink=You have killed another player Pink=You have killed multiple people Light red= You…
Yes, barbs will be thinking about getting rank9. Knowing it costs $10,000 to get the rep+medals+Celestial Swords, I can see every 101+ barb having it,
If anything, make an instant +12 orb that can take a wep from +X to +12, and make it cost like $500.
Take away that skill from sins, then take away the epically long sleep skill clerics have, and while they are at it, take away the clerics ability to heal themselves in pvp. All classes are equal, any class can pk any other class, its just knowing how to do it, if you think sins are OP then you obviously just don't know…
Make an archer and at lvl30, get the mold x-bow which is epically rare, but not too bad. Archers with that at lvl30 are epic.
Just be like any other sin and have to demon spark to drop the average lvl70+ barb.
Which archer was it that tanked Harpy...
shut the **** up.
Mispelled "Archosaur". Thread ended.
So, rank 9 is insanely good, but also comes with epic high cost...Just a matter of time till somebody drops that amount on it though.
But the sad thing is, even though it costs that much, people will still go out and buy it, hoping it makes them a better archer, but it really wont.
And barbs can't take because of insane DD' qq.
I sell those cards where I work, had a guy buy $100 worth, I ask him what game, "perfect world" he replies,found out he was a good friend of mine on pwi..haha
You already play as a fish, why would you want a frog? Lets make an elf class with longer ears and call them something completely different?
This thread is completely devoted to saying archers suck, realistically. That is not true. Archers are by far the hardest class to play in the game, and if you don't know how to play it, you will suck. I know archers with +5 CV bows who can completely destroy me, while some with +10 or higher bows don't even tick me, It…
Having not gotten a drop other than pots for my last 100+ pvp kills, I really would like some sort of nerf to the Safety Lock. Not something that completely ruins it, but possbly a 5% chance or so to drop item(s) when killed.
What this thread is really about: Archers are a good class. People dont think they are a good class. 95% of people who play archers have NO idea what to do. An archer that knows how to pk has insane potential to own everybody. If you don't know how to play an archer, dont role one because you will suck. If you think…
Archers are potentially one of the best classes assuming the person knows how to play it and doesn't just run around shooting people.
The boss that has a 33% chance to drop doesn't exist, and the remaining drop rates are very low, I really doubt that one exist yet in the game. Don't go out and grind for it or anything, as then you would probably reach lvl80+ before getting it.