What I've been too lazy to write for a while~
was +4 now +6 with a lousy g70
This thread is completely devoted to saying archers suck, realistically. That is not true. Archers are by far the hardest class to play in the game, and if you don't know how to play it, you will suck. I know archers with +5 CV bows who can completely destroy me, while some with +10 or higher bows don't even tick me, It all comes down to if the person knows to play the class.I have nothing to say.0
Necrooooo.On indefinite hiatus0
Jake get back in the cage. Nao.[SIGPIC]http://i1218.photobucket.com/albums/dd414/FluffyPeace/screenies and such/2011-03-1116-04-45-1.jpg[/SIGPIC]
Well hi to you too Frankie b:cute0 -
Rubix - Harshlands wrote: »This thread is completely devoted to saying archers suck, realistically. That is not true. Archers are by far the hardest class to play in the game, and if you don't know how to play it, you will suck. I know archers with +5 CV bows who can completely destroy me, while some with +10 or higher bows don't even tick me, It all comes down to if the person knows to play the class.
Okay, what if the person who's playing the archer is fighting someone who knows how to play their class? If you duplicated someone who knew how to play every class to the same degree of skill and made them fight archer vs x-class over time the x-class will have many more wins.
Everyone's arguments for both this thread and the sage/demon thread are opinions that are based off of personal experience; what happens to you might not happen to the average archer. Keep that in mind.0 -
Devoted - Lost City wrote: »Okay, what if the person who's playing the archer is fighting someone who knows how to play their class? If you duplicated someone who knew how to play every class to the same degree of skill and made them fight archer vs x-class over time the x-class will have many more wins.
I imagine that that would be true if you built your archer according to forum advice. Even if the classic "sacrifice everything for DPS" build was the ideal archer build, the mere fact that everyone knows what tactics you have to be using is going to make things difficult for you. And being a three-shot for archers with fail builds and cheap gear probably does not help, either.0 -
After reading through all 68 posts,alot of players just want a easy way to win. If you have to do TO much to actually win a 1v1 pvp fight they give up and put it down to Archers suck, rather than they arent good enough.
Also EG players always have high refined gear which has moved the average bar, so be prepared to do a lot of farming or spending some dollars because a terrible, well geared player (9+ refines and above) will always beat a low refined (3-5) good player.0 -
Yoyoki - Lost City wrote: »If you have to do TO much to actually win a 1v1 pvp fight they give up and put it down to Archers suck, rather than they arent good enough..
If you have to put double the effort into a 1v1 fight than your opponent your class is clearly worse. I don't know about you but I don't cash shop and I don't spend my life farming on this game so I want a class that can play the game without a massive disadvantage. This is why people don't like archers; it's not a matter of sucking with the class but having to spend extra time/money and effort just to break even with the other classes.
I don't know about you but I love the fact right now I have 6.8k hp unbuffed, 10k of each defense and a weapon that only cost 25mil and I beat 10x with 6+ hh99 refines.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Etaerc - Lost City wrote: »If you have to put double the effort into a 1v1 fight than your opponent your class is clearly worse. I don't know about you but I don't cash shop and I don't spend my life farming on this game so I want a class that can play the game without a massive disadvantage. This is why people don't like archers; it's not a matter of sucking with the class but having to spend extra time/money and effort just to break even with the other classes.
I don't know about you but I love the fact right now I have 6.8k hp unbuffed, 10k of each defense and a weapon that only cost 25mil and I beat 10x with 6+ hh99 refines.
6+ refines isnt fantastic if he is 10x archer.Its probably below average since to get to 10x you would have invested alot of time and most likely some money.
I wouldnt say it is worse, i would say its a harder class (others may thinking harder = worse) to play since pvp involves good timing of genie skills/pots, you know all this im sure. But complaining about the difficulty in pking makes me rage abit. Dont like the class re roll a wiz the combination of skills isnt hard.At the end of the day the way pwi is now played you need to go to more lengths to win/survive at 9x and ultimately 10x.
Id like to ask if you didnt spend alot of time farming or didnt cash shop some of the game, how did you manage to even level to 99 & beat the 10x archer?Im sure grinding 25mil wouldve taken alot of time..0 -
i have lvl 80-85 armor +3, 99 lvl bow +4, quest ornaments +3, all flawless citrines in armor and 1x immac in weapon.. hm and if i am not 1 hitted somehow i can survive and escape and fly away and kill people.. tw i had 7 hours ago for example - i died 0 times with 4,6k hp (hp set) and helped in killing quite enough, we lost ofc cos crystal died, but enemies in the air were totally wiped out
point is, archers are not supposed to tank stuff, they are supposed to evade.. that is not increasing evasion with wings, but using all the stuff they can get - condor blessing, ironguards, winged blessing, absolute domain, acceleration, stuns, shields, charms.. i dont use tree of protection cos its ****, and only use instead of pots, absolute domain is way better.. me staying invincible helps in escaping and killing/helping to kill loads of people and the more i play my archer the more new and interesting things i discover, now for example - wizzies hit nothing if i use magic resistance scrolls >:P
summary: stop whining and learn to play ur class, if you dont like it - reroll ^^0 -
archers are fine. They are the only class that can use both pysical and magic damage with very high spike damage for both. They also have one of the longest ranges in the game for attack. Not to mention they are the most efficient TW killer. because of their range they can easly switch targets and do not have to run up to every person to engage.0
Ignathas - Sanctuary wrote: »summary: stop whining and learn to play ur class, if you dont like it - reroll ^^
+1b:victory0 -
LOL you guys are so freaking clueless telling long term PWI veterans to re-roll.
Majority of people here stating out archers disadvantages endgame doesn't have "1 class" they have several 99+ chars and one of them happens to be archer. They can do a pretty fair comparisons without being biased since they played most classes.
Cant tell people to "learn to play your class" or re-roll when they dont have one but maybe 3 or 4 classes that they play.
Its kinda common knowledge for anyone that knows endgame pvp that archer isn't the strongest 1v1 class. Its just plain fact and not really whining. Doesnt mean you cant win against other classes, even tho you have a disadvantage. Gear, refines and skills obviously counts for more than class still.
Archers will always be an amazing class for group oriented pvp and TW anyway. But if you wanna have the advantage in 1v1 pk i suggest make a sin on same account Frost it to 100+ in a couple of weeks and but on your archers endgame gear - which is pretty much what most archer owners have done already.0 -
Ignathas - Sanctuary wrote: »summary: stop whining and learn to play ur class, if you dont like it - reroll ^^Yoyoki - Lost City wrote: »+1b:victory
I did reroll and I quite like only logging 5 hours a week and still being able to pvp against top players without csing.
But yes, all I do is whine... When you are able to come back with some sort of formulated argument I'll be right here.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
TigerLily - Lost City wrote: »Archers will always be an amazing class for group oriented pvp and TW anyway. But if you wanna have the advantage in 1v1 pk i suggest make a sin on same account Frost it to 100+ in a couple of weeks and but on your archers endgame gear - which is pretty much what most archer owners have done already.
I did this. Thus this sin. I still think fully buffed archers can be better.0 -
I don't know much about archers but from what I observed I notice that there are two problems:
1) archers are obsessed with dps and forget they're range - I've killed archers 10 lvls above me because they try to dps their way through plumeshell and pots. Wait for plumeshell to cooldown. Then attack at a range that I can't attack you from.
2) def stones vs HP - with clerics, I'm seeing a trend of switching from citrine to garnet due to the increasing advantages of phy def. Have any archers considered saphire gems w/ high refined HH99 phy def necklaces. saphire stones are about 1/3 the price of citrine too. If all the refines in the world won't save you from mages. Then maybe you lack some def.and bro...fyi this isn't a story.
All people are idiodic but some are more idiotic than others.0 -
why would we wait for plumeshell to go off when we can just use magic0
Etaerc - Lost City wrote: »I did reroll and I quite like only logging 5 hours a week and still being able to pvp against top players without csing.
But yes, all I do is whine... When you are able to come back with some sort of formulated argument I'll be right here.
You still didnt tell me how you got to 99 and have a 25mill wpn without spending some time or money on the game :O
Also i never said to re-roll just stop complaining about a class which clearly has a disadvantage.if you dont know archers have this disadvantage you havent read the forums or played long enough.
Dec 2008 is when i started id like to think im kinda a veteran.0 -
Trobneziuq - Dreamweaver wrote: »why would we wait for plumeshell to go off when we can just use magic
I was refering to phy attacks. Yes mag attacks can be used but a purify can deal with metal debuff with seems to be an archers main method of dealing metal damage.and bro...fyi this isn't a story.
All people are idiodic but some are more idiotic than others.0 -
the archer doesnt need the metal debuff to deal some nice metal dmg ...
i can hit clerics 4k(metaldmg when they plumeshelled) with crits without useing the debuff before lol and since i got 3 metal skills the dealt dmg should be enough to be able to kill the plumeshelled cleric.0 -
i joined last summer so a year now, and im telling not to whine and reroll if you dont like cos its what you should do... archers were never intended on 1vs 1 duels to whine about that, and yes group tws are awesome, and thats pretty much the only thing i play this game for :> but in duels i can still sometimes kill outgeared other classes even if they 2 hit me.. if they 1 hit me then i cant :> and its hard for us to duel cos - duels are close range lol... some barb or others can run right next to us in those 3 sec before duel starts
and i do have only 1 class, and been playing Only archer for a year, so i cant compare but i dont want to - i like my archer b:victory
0 -
Yoyoki - Lost City wrote: »You still didnt tell me how you got to 99 and have a 25mill wpn without spending some time or money on the game :O
Also i never said to re-roll just stop complaining about a class which clearly has a disadvantage.if you dont know archers have this disadvantage you havent read the forums or played long enough.
Dec 2008 is when i started id like to think im kinda a veteran.
I also made this post after only a year of you playing. Quite a few people were saying archers aren't very good and what not but it was just QQ. No one actually explained in detail why we were bad. I'd like to think this post was one of the first that actually listed our disadvantages in a way where we could analyze and minimize them. Obviously everyone took it as QQ but that's expected of this forum.
As for a veteran I've been playing since CB my-en version and have played and pvped as every class 90+ besides tideborn.
For getting 100 and having a 25mil weapon, I made this character 'etaerc' before I made the character 'devoted' on the first day of OB. I was 6x when leveling became a joke so I decided to reroll. Merchanting brings a lot of money and while my gear is still **** it's because I haven't used the money yet.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Fist are the worst at PvP AND PvE, if you disagree, as I said, take it to PM's or make your own guide. Go here if you want to debate about it. - Lyndura
Get a High lvl Fist warrior use it, Restat to axes. GG - complexx
:NOTE: These signatures are to forever immortalize, how stupid people can be.0 -
Telarith - Sanctuary wrote: »Did you really make a character with the name Create backwards?
devotion was taken by someone who hated me in CB and the button near the character name said create on it... although I really wish I just facerolled my keyboard. The name autdrssyc would have been cool.
b:avoid[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
well there is the option which i took0
just do this <--0
Yoyoki - Lost City wrote: »You still didnt tell me how you got to 99 and have a 25mill wpn without spending some time or money on the game :O
I highlighted the important bit, don't need to spend money on the game to get those thingsProving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
Current math challenge: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1029711&page=45
"Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray0 -
Daggster - Lost City wrote: »the archer doesnt need the metal debuff to deal some nice metal dmg ...
i can hit clerics 4k(metaldmg when they plumeshelled) with crits without useing the debuff before lol and since i got 3 metal skills the dealt dmg should be enough to be able to kill the plumeshelled cleric.
That would be with triple spark right? most archers w/ a +(4-5) cv bow hit me for 1k non crit and 2k w/ crit. No sane person would try to tank a 3 spark(not counting genie skills).and bro...fyi this isn't a story.
All people are idiodic but some are more idiotic than others.0 -
WaffleChan - Sanctuary wrote: »http://pwcalc.ru/pwi/?char=a299f9df7e7ac64e <- how id build my vit arcane veno. that thing would tear you apart even without a flaming chicken lol.
imma laugh if a piece of ur gear shaters and u cant use any of your gear.
to aquire this gear set is not possible for a majority of players in pwi. and any player with a +10 weapon is ganna do considerable damage.
for players looking at the pwi calc go to skills and uncheck the buffs before you judge a build. if you die you dont always have the ability to get full buffs before going back for revenge.lvl101 LA/AA demon veno ftw, 15251 hp buffed, 13508 buffed pdef in human. able to use tt100 fists at 5 aps w/ genie. all from 2 years of work... WASTED
was fun while it lasted0
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