Roxy_Kitten - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Well, I've said all I'm going to here. People, please... "Attack" the issues, not the people. Don't attack the GM's, the devs, or PWI et al. Voice your concerns without attacking a person or entity (and without breaking the rules), and you won't get banned. I've seen some great suggestions being made here; I'm confident…
  • Not only that - but.... If they did a sudden patch (like in the next day or two) with random box drops that actually aren't TOO rare, it would get us all off the forums and back in the game where we all belong. And maybe even in the CS to get better gear to get the mobs with the boxes.... Think, PWI.... THINK! Sorry, I ran…
  • Right. PWI know nothing about gaming. But they sure as heck obviously know how to keep paying for the *expenses* of developing, producing, advertising and RUNNING multiple servers by providing a game that is free to play, and only costs money to play A CHOICE for the players. Sure, maybe there were some items they…
  • First off, thank you for caring enough to read our posts. b:victory 1. Even with double-EXP weekends, when there are *some* people getting an ITEM for free, and others not getting anything (item-wise) it will feed jealousy aimed at PWI. Suggestion: Next time, give everyone a non-tradeable gift box in their inventory (or…
  • Thank you for your explanation - and for "attacking" the issue and not me for asking, LOL! I can see how that would be upsetting for those that have spent the gold/cash/time to get where they are now. I may be more sympathetic if I were higher level than I am, but I still don't see why that is worth quitting over. I can…
  • Yes it's F2P, but quite a lot of people also use the cash shop, and several of *them* do so using their own real money (which is how PWI can allow others to play for free). The cash shop is a necessary *entity* in F2P games and IMO PWI has really nailed that home in that they **REALLY** know how to get people in that…
  • I really fail to see why so many are *saying* they are going to quit because of this update. Because of gold prices? Because of Charm prices? What??? Give it a few weeks (if that long) and prices will fall back into place. Geeez people, if you *really* are going to quit, then just quit quietly - no one cares about your…
  • Sorry, I had not seen this thread when I posted a thread about the Duke's spam and how it makes those of us that bought packs and *didn't* get Best of Luck tokens feel even worse for not getting them. I DO appreciate the 2x EXP weekends (I hope I get to play during the weekends), but I have a suggestion.... Perhaps next…
  • You basically just said everything I did. I did say that many have gotten the Best Luck tokens - many haven't. Having it rubbed in our faces (those that didn't) by Duke's spam just makes it worse. I also said that I appreciate the double exp weekends (especially IF I get to play during the weekends much). So thank you for…
  • Give it some time - the GM's are probably pretty busy this morning. I would guess that all tickets submitted about the new mounts are being taken in the order they were sent (queued). Just wait your turn and I'm sure they'll get to you. b:pleased Take Care, Roxy
  • The update notes state that you must have created an account (I'm assuming a GAME account) on or before September 30, 2008.
  • Perhaps like me, you didn't read the YEAR in the update notes. The free mount is only being awarded to those that have been playing for a year (or more). The date in the update notes (for the mount) is September 30, 2008 - not 2009. So there are a lot of us that aren't getting the mount, but why should we if we haven't…
  • Hehe, you might notice that I had edited my original post. I went back and read the update notes carefully and noticed the date. I imagine there will be several like me that just saw "free mount" and went all blurry-eyed. LMAO! Hey - I'm still happy about the double xp weekends during September!