This! You can level so fast outside of FC. Literally all lvl restricting Hyper Frost would do is have people leveling fast in the open map. Leveling goes crazy, crazy fast without being a grindfest at all. I honestly don't understand why some people are against level restricting Hyper FC. It essentially won't change how…
Wyld: 5/5 Pretty much for the same reasons. He looks good and different. (I'm liking his face ^.^) Markhor: 5/5 She is gorgeous. So unique and sharp and pretty! Especially the chin and mouth area. I think it's a great customization of her. StrangeScar: 4.5/5 I really like the face on the new look you're thinking of going…
I loved running BH39 as a 5x. The random squads I got were almost always a lot of fun.
Hiking to Swamp of the Wraiths
Dreamweaver Port
Around The Forest
The Forest at Night
This game is fine for the casual gamer, you just have to go into it with the right expectations. -leveling has gotten a lot easier. Even just playing casually you can get your character into the mid level rage within a week or two. -low and mid level range open-questing areas aren't swarming with people. You'll see a…
WyldStyle: 4/5 I like the body proportions you've given him. I can't see the face too well, but it looks good. Plus I like it when male chars take advantage of the facial hair feature (especially in a sexy way ;). Edit: Roflmancer: 4/5 (missed your post before) Lips are a bit thin for my taste, but overall she's really…
mayral: face: 4.5/5 I really like how you've done her face. It's all angry and sharp, but really pretty at the same time. The mouth seems off (oddly shaped maybe?) but it looks fine in your sig, so it might just be the angle / lighting in the screenshot. I'm not a huge fan of the gigantic ****, but XD do what you will.
While this situation is really terrible (and I have to think that it's a glitch, it would just be a fail move on PWI's end to mass-ban these people), the mods wouldn't be able to do anything. They moderate the forum, but have absolutely no power when it comes to the actual game itself and the accounts that are associated…
stuff was said
All of the arguments against level restricting Frost seem to be predicated on two arguments: 1. that it means grinding TONS of mobs to level. 2. that it would take FOREVER to get to endgame. Seriously have yall even leveled a character without FC recently? It's ridiculously easy. I just got my veno to 40 within a week, and…
A Fisherman's Village
Stretching at Night
Bloody Beach in the Morning
I'd make a post about it in the quality corner part of the forums (although I don't know how much difference this makes) as well as submit another ticket, stating clearly that an essential mob was removed by them. I guess all you can do is hope. Doesn't pwi have a live chat? Maybe try using that since you would actually be…
(I just rated people two posts before.) My veno got a makeover! I wanted something different, and all my characters usually end up looking similar in some sort of fashion, so I thought I would go for more of a doll look. It turns out I'm terrible starting from scratch, so I used one of the ini bases on the forums and then…
Some of the chats in this made me giggle. ("smack-cam!") I kind of like the randomness of everything put into one video tbh. It broke it up and made it fun to watch. ^.^
I think you need to calm down. First, I was making the same point you are, that being 105 doesn't necessarily mean you know how to pvp. And I did not state that being on a pvp server makes you better than if you were on a pve server. The only reason I mentioned it, was to further my point that on a pve server it is…
But you're exactly stating the point. We have so many ways to level, and they're not being utilized because everyone is in FC instead. And it doesn't matter that these things aren't available for 80+ because a level restricted Hyper FC would probably start at 80.
OMG I THINK I CALLED SOME MYSTICS PSYS BECAUSE I'M DUMB. I'M SORRY, BUT I DON'T FEEL LIKE GOING THOUGH THE THREAD TO LOOK UP WHICH I GOT WRONG, SO IF IT'S YOU I'M SOOORRRYYYYYY!!!!! D: ghost2break: 4/5 I like both of them. I like odd colored characters and the normal colored characters. What's throwing me off is the…
Right now, I don't have an opinion one way or another, and I tried reading the exact description on ecatomb, but I think it's wrong. However, I just want to point out, that the chance to stun (or whatever) through tidal isn't 33% if the attack doesn't have a 100% chance of the effect. So if whatever you're trying to stun /…
edit -- wrong thread
You're acting like it's FC or grinding. The most common argument in this thread against level restricting hypers is "People don't want to grind blah blah" but PWI already implemented MANY game aspects to help level before FC that don't involve grinding. -Bounty Hunter -Cube of Fate -Public Quest -Pheonix Valley -Alpha,…
With the fruit that you can get at lower levels and the 2X exp that's on right now, you very may well be leveling a lot faster than originally intended with the quests. So you can either dump some exp into a genie, or pick and choose what type of quests you want to take. (With dumping exp into a genie I was still able to…
Hypering FC for eighty or ninety levels isn't spectacular gameplay either. I would even argue that it's less-so. Neither is grinding mobs. What makes spectacular gameplay in an MMO is the social aspect of it, and there is none in mid level gameplay right now. I do quest, I do content, and there aren't people doing it. The…
Gear with add-ons like that are either crafted or dropped from mobs randomly. There's no way to take a regular piece of armor and ad a +vit modifier to it.