Ritsukii - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • bb= blue ball (bc its a ball and its blue) *heals all near by squad members* and lol at ur story. kick her butt! i'll bb while u kick her butt! b:chuckle
  • any kind of flying mounts! because they will have the ability to STEAL. well not steal other ppl's mounts but they can ride anything...u get the point... would be cool O_O
  • HOW can u NOT like DBSK? my love jeajoong is the SH!!T. so ******n beautiful just like an angel b:dirty...and u-know can shake his ****. b:victory.. xiah can hella scream, max is adorable while micky is not my favorite. and for those of u saying "why does it matter?"... it doesnt matter. i bet OP is just curious. so get…
  • talking about bms.. i hate those thinking they're all that resulting is partywipe. i have times when i lure one and bm runs in, bringing back the four he lured and the one i lure = 5 STRONG mobs = we all die.
  • my cleric has no faction. and i refuse to join a faction with it. (am poor so dont want to waste charms) ... and with BH, i hella REFUSE to get a faction. imagine burning charms helping faction members 5+x a day whew... but for BH quests i like them. find quick squad takes about 2-5 min. work with strangers. kills boss,…
  • why dont you all just STFU. my silvermane dream has come true. b:laugh ... i always wanted that. gold lion fox mount fish mount i really dont care... my silvermane has arrived.