Riordan - Lost City Arc User


  • They need to shorten the bloody cool down time for our Awaken skill first!
  • Yeh that is my question. As for getting 300 HoM, she married another char of mine I didn't get to play much (so I could get exp etc.) and didn't know ab the tele + fash reward, now she wants to marry my main.
  • This makes me realise, once again, the type of people who play this game >.<
  • Yeh, I was white named, but I didn't realise I went red after I killed _Anon_, who was white. So I had ONE doll with me, died once, and lost track; went out again cause some friends were already attacking, wanted to help... Safety was off, got ****ing owned and blew up after trying to make a beeline for safe zone when it…
  • You have yours... and -hugs- btw ^.^ Who that *** are you, you tosser? I don't "QQ" or whatever that means, use normal people language. I simply asked Amour if I could do anything to warrant some loan or what have you. Christ you people spread rumours like a bunch of cry babies... Sure I was disappointed I lost my only…
  • This will be the only bloody time I'll ever post on the forums. HOOZAH! two things... Wadzio isn't half-bad xP and Spectral are nice people, I've done loadsa stuff with them. Secondly, guanaco didn't do anything I wouldn't do, so really I just got proper ****ed at west trying to make a beeline for the safezone when I…
  • That's my girl xP (there's my comment <3)