This thread is wrong in so many ways. And yet, in all those wrong ways, it also wins.
I have no soul to control.
I'm not currently part of any factions, but I'm thinking about making my own. I'll call it the Vanguard and we'll use the power of the power of the Centurions' cores to destroy the Ginungagap and unleash the power of Niflheim! MWAHAHAHAHA! *AHEM* I mean, have lots of fun and make friends...hehe...yeah... b:avoid
Doing tricks? Hmm...roll over, play dead, fetch, pee on the couch...I like it. b:chuckle
Do the surveys affect anything that you're ever going to use (besides the zen)? No, so lie through your teeth.
PWI probably isn't licensed to sell in Australia yet so they won't be able to sell the cards down there. And before someone says "well we can charge the game directly", there are different rules concerning selling online and offline.
You can do each side of the mouth and each eye (though not color) individually. Just uncheck the box that says "change both". b:laugh
HAHAHAHA! b:laugh And why do lvl 90s attack lvl 30s? To tell people that they wasted their time getting to lvl 30 on a PvP server where everyone is three times their level to begin with. Now go reroll PvE. b:bye
Congrats Nefarious. I hope to some day be in a faction as great as you guys are (on a different server). b:victory
I was thinking of spending maybe $10 per month, but it'll all depend on my bills.
I'd like to know more about this as well. It'd be nice to get a dominant hand/off hand set up. b:victory
That picture on the main page is HAWT. WOW! b:dirty I think I'll give an assassin a try. The pics of the new areas look a lot like Felucia though. You've never played a Mystic on ESO, have you? b:surrender
Looking at the side pic, it looks as if you've had a lobotomy.
Hawt. b:sin
Maybe. They'd probably just say "we were planning it anyway" like GMs usually do.
My senior picture. Picture is 5+ years old (I graduated in 2004, this was taken some time in January of that year). Don't mind the ladder, it was the photographer's idea. b:surrender I don't have a (digital) camera right now, so that's the best I can do. I don't really look much different though. Everyone here is prettier…
1 STR 9 MAG every two levels. b:bye No, seriously, 6 STR 1 DEX every two levels then 3 points into either DEX or VIT as you see fit.