Retailer_a - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Yep I do think Lazyluna put it way better than what i did, though i still feel what i said to be not far from truth, but thats just me and how i feel about things atm. and yes that would of been a great idea Azara.
  • Page 1 Page 30 Page 40 Page 50 Page 51 Well I went through every page thus far in this thread and the above quotes are the only times any GM/Mod have posted and well, there aint nothing in them posts to really placate the angry playerbase, but then what has been posted is as much as i would expect, and i seriously doubt…
  • Since when does a Games Company actually really listen to its player base, Very rarely!! And what response can you always expect to get from the Games Moderators, "sorry but nothing we can do about it" Why do think they always close multiple threads and try get everyone to post in one thread, sorry but it has nothing to do…