Reshella - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • I Samoonra/ Yashanee_ am stepping down from being guild leader of RolePlay. Now I have appointed Ocane_II as guild leader. For now on I'm leaving everything in his hands. I am sure he'll mannage a better job then I will. :) Good luck! ^^
  • Guild:RolePlay Server(same): PvE Heavens Tear New Leader: Ocane_II Website(same):
  • There's really no problem for RP guild members rping with non-guild members. Would be kinda confined if we didn't open up to others. I myself have rped with people who weren't inside the guild. Simply had them as a friend on my list and we'd plan where to 'bump' into each other and walla! :D If you are interested in a…
  • That is true, there is already an rping guild on the other PvE server. Though I've tried to contact their leader but never got a reply. So I really don't know what is going on there. But I thought about that as somebody requested an expantion but I'd rather not have one of ours from this server having to become dedicated…
  • Sorry KinsLey, we'd love to accept you but the guild is formed in Heavens Tear and not in Lost City. :\
  • Thanks a bunches! It worked! ^^
  • Alrighty, I'll try to get to you hopefully later today ChungLi. I haven't had much luck getting those who have posted their interests here. For me being online in PW, it's verries but usually it is between 16:00 - 1:00 (yes earily morning) and my timezone is GMT -07:00. So perhaps to make it easier, to have timezones…
  • For switching between servers, there are no limits. I don't think you can change your character over on one server to the next. And if so, no doubt they'd make you pay money for it. -.-
  • Yeah sorry, we're only in Heavens Tear. But if you're interested and be willing to start on this server, you're free to do. :) Either just contact me as 'Yashanee_' or I'll contact you if you do decide to switch.
  • There are currently three servers running, Heavens Tear (which the guild is formed in) Sanctuary and Lost City And for about what Uindo's post, I am sorry this isn't what you are looking for but you would be exactly what I'll be looking for, for anybody who has bothered to reply, you seem very dedicated when it comes to…
  • Come on guys, it isn't too late to pm your guild leader about your status in the guild. Monday is going to be the day.
  • Names you should probably contact about the guild, Xodiumx. (Names are typed exact) Samoonra Yashanee_ Elayne Due to recent events, I will be more on Yashanee_ Then Samoonra and Elayne is often if you happen to contact her. P.S. awfully sorry about Reshella. She was my first character and doesn't belong to the guild. :P
  • Well I would suggest you get your barbrian to level 20. Normally wouldn't take more then a week. Just to see how well you like the class before I may allow you to the guild. You could contact me in game and I will keep you in mind. The characters I play are Samoonra and Yashanee_ Saddly today, I won't be on PW untill later…
  • Hiya Koreanthuda, We do not have any restrictions in what class we allow in the guild but if you do plan on playing a barbarian, you would be our first :D I wish you good luck in getting it downloaded and fully installed. Honestly, it was a pain for me >.<
  • This is for those who have joined the RolePlay Guild. I need to talk to every individual personally, especially those who have not shown for a week. Please send me a PM either through here or our guild forum. Yes, your guild leader cares about you. :p In the message, please leave me your character's name and brief note…
  • OOC: From the RolePlay Guild, we wish you the best of luck. For Elusive to be a successful and enjoyable guild for those to join. Not good with good luck messages but I'm really pleased to see something started over in Sanctuary. ^^
  • Hi Ricky, It's good to see another one... Though personally I never did any paper and pincal DnD, my role play experice comes from RPGs, but also RPGs that used the whole forgotten realms rules. I myself don't use '133t' (or however people type it) very much outside role playing. The servers I used to play on Neverwinter…
  • I really haven't thought so far to actually have the same guild extend to the other server. To be honest I never really expected to grow so much. As I am only one, looking after those role playing on Heaven's Tear. I am not sure if I would be starting on over in Sanctuary. But I'll tell you what, I've read about a forming…
  • Guild Name: RolePlay Leader: Samoonra Type: PVE (Heaven's Tear) Guild Thread:
  • RolePlay as just opened their own forums for members and all to see. A special thanks goes to my director, Aerie_Elandi for starting this. We hope to be seeing you all there and will be looking forward to see more in depth character development and get to know some of you role players a little better. ;) Here is the link…
  • -Update Silly me for not thinking of this before but those that have been trying to contact me, my timezone is GMT - 07:00 Also for members who are just joining the guild, I will be updating the roster, late my time.
  • Thank you Kingofhearts. It really makes me glad to see people taking a notice or interest in our role play. Though we’re small and the level range is spread thin. But role playing is never about the levels. As the leader, I try to spend time with all of our members and also learn of their experiences. And they have been…
  • I'm glad to hear... You aren't required to be level 20 to join but if you are active and give it a try. You are welcomed to join. :)
  • RolePlay Guild Roster Character Name – Position – Class – Title Lead: Samoonra – Leader – Blademaster – Drama Queen Aerie_Elandi – Director – Cleric – Battle Cleric Officers: Elayne – Executor – Wizard – Miss Members: Leandrra – Commissioner – Wizard – Sylivanna – Commissioner – Blademaster – Yardye – Commissioner – Cleric…
  • Thank you very much! ^^