Relakss - Harshlands Arc User



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  • i know that website but look: it doesnt show all the possobility's as with the weapons: it is possible to reforge then but what happens then??
  • the forges dont show what u can reforge it into so you can look but you wont see the possibilitiesb:surrender
  • yea i know that was just wondering and tyvm
  • look you dont use sta on mobs but you do on bosses... explenation: on bosses you start off with sta the hp gets cut off by 20%(sage STA) but the hp will get back to what it was at the start when the effect wears off so no less exp except if you kill is before STA wears off (most unlikely). onmobs never use it because you…
  • thats true i've seen archers using deadly shot on barbsb:chuckle full phys atk on a barb thats just stupid. just kite properly and use wings of grace i see way to less people using it.b:angry it can save you while ganked and is also a good combo with absolute domain against sins
  • lol i also oneshot a bm with my broadland 9,6 k crit and as for barbs it kinda sucks depending on their gear just kite stun and metal atks
  • archers take skill to be good at pk when higher lvl you'll get alot more skills to play with it'll get more interesting then. and for assasins it just quite sucks because they can just stealth and stun lock you ofc there are some skills to defend against that . but because archers are squishy just take the point of being…
  • i'm a fist archer because i like the archer skills and the range of a bow but i also like to use my fists to make tt runs go faster or melee mobs. and btw its really funny to pk a 9x barb with full tt90 gear sharded and refined with your fistsb:chuckle fists/ claws is just personal don't go QQ bout people using them if…
  • lol you stop QQing you need 3 bm's stunning me to kill me with you deicidesb:bye i always prefer 1v1.
  • lol i like never get oneshotted except for +10 lunar or tt99/100 wepsb:bye and ofcourse getting onehits by a +12 nirvana bow for 11 k critb:surrender ****** iamkiller
  • all atks will be 1/2 except for mag skills. and just become a fist archer like meb:victory
  • small question you ever tried using fists on you archer?? otherwise don't QQ at all and just gtfob:bye. myself using FC gold bow and fists atm works out really well for me funny to see a wiz coming close to me so i wont hit that hard just switch to fists.b:victory
  • yea i know it sucks i'm saving my best lucks atm :P. i'm an average cash shopperso it will take a while right now i use FC gold fists n bow i'll get my hs first . when i have that gear i'll go farm r8 and vit stones have r6 now already.
  • i would get an lunar wep first for more constant damage and ofcourse the dispel effect. you will prob take aggro easier with lunar wep but you can just use fists then. when having a lunar cape first you'll take aggro easier with both weps. but thats just my opinion i myself have FC gold bow and fists atm.b:victory
  • how about changing boots and legs n wep: and if you want a more hybrid build you can make fast money with fists so get some +10 vit stones
  • sign of frost is better then school teacher ring.But when poor a good option together with a mag ring
  • personaly i like the fist archer build i wanna be able to use tt100 fists endgame i'll prob go for r8 bow. ofc its expensive but with fist archer build i can easily solo tt runs to make money. this is my suggestion on rings and endgame gear: when having tt100 fists on:…
  • the only thing about that is that you other evasion buff will go off. i only sometimes use condor against sins when ganked could save your life then try demon spark fists lol they're like wtfb:chuckle
  • fist archer build ftw b:victory my build so far: i'm working on lg wep and int cape now.(i know quite crappy ornaments waiting for 99 HA ornaments for the xtra int. and phys def. this str als allows me to wear fc fists wich i also got:…
  • when starting a duel when the count down is i use winged shell on LA just stun n normal atk or when you wanna do funny thing triple spark fists( got FC gold bow n fists) on HA ofc stun 2 metal skills and kite like for example fighting a barb ---->winged shell, stun, thundershock, lightning strike, aim low, lightning…
  • i love my archer in pvp so as pve i am fist archer build and i can solo HH 1-1 till 3-1 solo mode In pvp you should just learn how to play an archer arcane is mostly 1 or 2 shot barb just use aim low thunder shock n lightning strike and use genie skills like occult ice. When really wanna suprise someone switch to fists n…
  • updated! faction: Evolution Leader: DocPhil (best cleric ever :Pb:laugh) forum: Vent: yes lvl 3 faction come for fun tt/bh/fb/fc/tw and lots of unb:victory 65+ for now
  • when duel psy holypath far away wait till they get close use wings of grace n stun them if you time it right you resist their stun if using it stun them and normal shot killb:victory works for me that way i can even beat higher lvl psy in duels
  • thanks forthe information about thundershockb:victory
  • the question was not price but effectb:chuckle
  • i read in another post dont remember wich post that normal shot is also metal damage that means it is quite usefull
  • primeval stones FTW go to pwi calc and try it out. first a primeval gives more hp but also more phys def and elemental resistance so it is way better then citrine gemsb:victory
  • for me its sta and weird nobody mentioned "thundershock" reduced metal damage and spark ofcourse but for the rest just normal attacks
  • i use second wind,tree of protection, holy path and my favorite occult ice so funny when kiting in pvp against barb they finally are close and you freeze em when they wanted to stun you use holy path or 79 speed skill aim low or stun again they fcked then
  • when ganked use occult ice,then condor when 79 ofcourse stunrun a bit then take aim thundershock and lightning strike they should be dead then otherwise your doing something wrong or your fighting a 20 lvls higher sin than you lol
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