Reix - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • I can't even put into words how much I agree with this thread.. I do use a lot of the pets that can evolve, like the Hatchling, Cuddly Pup, Kowlin.. and I have both the Herc and Nix. And all of those are special to me, of course. But my Snow Hare and Foxwing are too. And neither of them have the option to evolve. My…
  • Well.. He certainly does look evil. o.o;; I like the eyes alot, very sinister. The only real things that seem off to me are the fact that for one.. I won't lie, I hate facial hair on male Earthguard. Or any of the thick facial hair for that matter, they look awkwardly glued on to me. And this chin seems a little long,…
  • Cause they're pulling it from China sooner than us, I'm sure. b:chuckle
  • I'm so excited for that hair to come to pwi! I hope it does soon.. b:sad Your seeker is very pretty, her face fits perfectly and nothing looks disproportionate. I like the tan skin and her brown hair, but her eyes seem very dark to me. I'd brighten them up some, but that's just me. b:chuckle I give her a 4.5/5, she may not…
  • You can, but it may be quite a while til I can actually work on it. My classes have started again and they're eating away my time cause of a weird schedule this semester. x_x But I am still working on them, it's just.. more slow going than before. Which is really saying something. But thank you, I'm glad you like them. ^^
  • I don't think it's a bug. I just got one today, and if you look when you try to hatch it.. There's a tiny tiny sliver of white next to the "last" 0. I think he costs 1m to hatch, not 10k.
  • I believe the bags can be fixed through the eyes settings at the very top of the panel. If you flip through them, they each have a different "set" of the eye, making them look more sunk in, folded or have bags under them. Sets 2 and 3 give bags, while 1 does not. If you even want to get rid of them, that is. If they're…
  • I agree actually.. All of my Tideborn men are built smaller. The beefy ones look awkward to me, but I also see sin's being more agile, stealthy killers and the psys as the bookworm types.. So one would be more thin and limber while the other's just smaller cause they have no reason for bulk. Really, the only classes that…
  • My vote is for the brown as well, it flows better with his skin to me. b:surrender
  • Actually, I'm trying to get away from the purple, but the face and body texture on him make it oddly hard, due to all the dark shadows and such. Particularly on his lips. I have no idea whatsoever what to do with his skin and it's driving me insane. It's like I'm stuck with purple or creepy oompa-loompa..
  • Here's both red and black hair colors.. And a random grey skin for lack of anything better. I think he's doing this to me on purpose, villian indeed. b:sad EDIT-Alternatively, black eyes with the red hair, since the red's overpowering..
  • The change was subtle, so I can see how it would be hard to see. His hair's just a little more blond and his skin has more of a flesh tone. I'm wondering if maybe.. Dark blood red hair on him would be good. I was just putting it on my mystic and, maybe it would fit him too? I just know I don't want his hair to be black or…
  • @Miko- I'm jealous of your barb, I've always loved the super cute tiger barbs~ 5/5 @Xainou- It's definitely his eyes.. They're too wide vertically and not wide enough horizontally, he looks shocked to me. Aside from that, he's quite handsome. 4/5 I changed the colors on him some in the editor, and I wanna see if this color…
  • I'm glad my psy actually fits the outline I wanted for him, it's exciting to know I'm not the only person who thinks I hit the mark. ^^ Though, a couple of you said his color scheme is overused. I used the white skin to flow with the vampire look, and the white hair was only because his hair was white before I made him…
  • @Mimiroppu - Her eyes look much better now, more human than they seemed before. Though Asteric has a point, her cheeks are a little off, but it's only noticeable with her turned in the second picture. I think she looks much nicer, the eyes made a big difference. 4.5/5 @Asteric - I'm unsure of your mystic.. His nose seems…
  • Her eyes look a little too high up on top of being rotated too far.. Personally, I'd bring them down some on her face and just give them a slight slant instead of them being outright tilted. Only slightly though, it's small details that are throwing me off with her face, overall she looks nice. Her hair is a strange shade…
  • I have a lot of male characters and I'm a girl. Likewise, my boyfriend has.. A LOT of female characters. He feels like he can't make a nice male Tideborn or Earthguard, so he just makes girls instead, but he hates what he calls "**** that can crush moutains" so all his girls are very petite. No one can tell he's a he most…
  • I forgot to change it on the calc like a tard. :D I am using it though. b:chuckle Edit: There, I fixed it and changed the link. :p
  • For the record, since gear talk started up. And I know my top needs work. I have to buy the shards and get more mirage to refine it, I only hit 100 last night so I haven't had the chance to really work on it. As a side note: I don't have a perfect in my daggers, I have an exclusive. x.x
  • I love the sleeves to the new set. Not much for the dress, so I had to find something else to wear them with. It even matches my sin's daggers, imo. b:cute I'm just sad the shades of green aren't quite the same.. And Venus, I love your copper.. I've never liked those shorts, but they really work with that set. :o
  • Aww, she's so pretty! And those eyes~ I love it, thank you Miko! b:thanks
  • Actually, the other two were back with me, the cleric and veno, trying to keep an eye on us. Both of them were really nice and were doing their best to make sure we weren't catching backlash. The one being mouthy took off down the hall without a word, cause he wanted to do everything himself.
  • To those of you who said that I still should have leveled BP, it's level 10 as of 15 minutes ago. I just never knew, so I left it at 1 like I was originally told. Now if he dies and I'm in squad, he can't point at me. Wasn't my fault. Though this time wasn't either. He did have fresh BP, nothing I can do past that.…
  • In all fairness, I'm doing as I was told by a high level sin I knew awhile back. Looking back, I suppose his advice wasn't the best to follow, considering who he was, what all he did and how he played, though even I didn't know that at the time. And all the gear I have wasn't obtained via my own devices. I have some very…
  • I never leveled BP simply because the only thing leveling it does is extend the duration. I'm not put in situations where a longer buff does a whole lot of good. And as for my claws, they're a placeholder until I can put on my daggers at 100. With them, I hit at 5.0 sparked, which has saved me multiple times tanking and…
  • That's what I had thought. I'd never seen anyone having trouble with the pulls in FC, right down to a crazy cleric who pulled every hall in the place. I just wanted to make certain I wasn't the one in the wrong cause I've never played a puller in an FC squad, only duo where I was on a friend's barb and less could go wrong.…
  • I appreciate the criticism, actually. I knew she didn't look right, so to fix her, it's best to get an unbiased opinion. You've helped alot. b:chuckle
  • My only real pet peeve on my mystic is that people seem to think I'm a useless healer. I won't lie, she's only level 70 so far, but she leans more to the healing skills than her damage. Every time I try to do BH51 on her, the squad will add me and say "Oh, a mystic. Get a cleric." and then, when they can't get one, QQ…
  • First off, think before you speak. That's a psy. He's holding a soulsphere and has Black Voodoo on, there is no way to confuse that. Second, not everyone on the game is *** or makes their characters to pair them up just for you. So, really, keep it to yourself unless someone states it's a couple. You'll likely end up…
  • Hm.. I'd say 3.5/5 for you.. That pink hair, and those pink lips on such a pale skintone almost make him look sick to me. Overall, he's not a bad looking character though. (The emphasis on pink was needed, cause damn that hair is pink.) And as for your fashion, I suppose it's a little typical. Jeans, and tennis shoes with…