RavenRonien - Raging Tide Arc User


  • honestly why do ppl ask for builds.... go look it up read all those guides out there then make your own. I've done it, currently a 90 BM with no real plans to lv higher for personal reasons but i score high in events (9th-12th place for each monday event so far) running my own build i made myself. I started 5 str 1 vit 4…
  • i atribute this to archanes not know they can tank ._. u can't believe how many times i've sugested a archane tank and i get blank stares or a "b:laugh" because they think im joking..... they go "but i have 1.6k hp how can i tank?" then i say "cause u'll take like what.... 400 dmg every 1.4 seconds or so?" and they go YEAH…
  • lol hey :P its me raven *chuckle* anyways the guy above covered most of it i just wanted to say hi and add on, i was lucky enough to find a 3* HA lv 64 intervaled guant for 400k and im keeping that untill TT90 gold *-* rofl i love the thing, but LA is a great alternative seeing as more intervals of those are around. deamon…
  • alright first off i don't recomend LA, not to say its imposible but i love my Pdef and Matacks i can cancel half of them (most mobs/bosses use it every 4 P atacks, shadowless just about rechanges as i get hit with the 2nd) and i CAN tank, granted all my armor adds HP or Pdef (3*'s with +60 or mroe hp or +167 pdef or more)…
  • uhhhh me lv 70 fist (main)/ hammer (aoe's) wife 72 pretty much soloed the whole thing in no more then 1h and 30 mins?.... why is this so amazing? myraid swordstance on wyvern and she BB'ed and we were fine -_-
  • then why not use my dex genie? its the first one i got, a alt just got a str one, so ill trasfer that in a week, but if thunderstorm is for dex.... then why not just get a weaker heal? i mean will a dex heal still be effective? also a full genie build would be nice, like a str genie full str with XXX skills and XXX…
  • if i get a str one, could i get heals and some dmg skills too? i see some pretty boss looking skills, if so what would u adivize?