Genie for my sin

verno Posts: 1 Arc User
edited January 2010 in Assassin
i know this has been made b4 and there are a few guides that include it, i've read them all, and most say different things, i have a dex genie atm, and spent to points because truth betold, i don't get the system yet, my question is, i think i want it to heal me and buff me, so would a str one be better? is getting a heal/buff genie even good? i just started so i dont' have funding to get teh best equips, if thats relevent. u just want advice, and also what i should do about my genie, any help is good help ;P
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  • Ballistixz - Heavens Tear
    Ballistixz - Heavens Tear Posts: 690 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    a str genie with second wind is good for what ur talking about.
  • RavenRonien - Raging Tide
    RavenRonien - Raging Tide Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    if i get a str one, could i get heals and some dmg skills too? i see some pretty boss looking skills, if so what would u adivize?
  • MagicHamsta - Lost City
    MagicHamsta - Lost City Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    if i get a str one, could i get heals and some dmg skills too? i see some pretty boss looking skills, if so what would u adivize?

    the different type of genie only gives you more of of a certain type of stat at the beginning and a different starter skill.
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  • Super_Trout - Dreamweaver
    Super_Trout - Dreamweaver Posts: 225 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    if i get a str one, could i get heals and some dmg skills too? i see some pretty boss looking skills, if so what would u adivize?

    Definitely Second Wind for the heal, it's more efficient for our lower HP, especially if you spam Str on your genie

    As for attacks, I would recommend getting Thunderstorm (7 fire affinity) but that would require you spamming very very much dex to get it as hard-hitting as it should (my main's genie has 70 dex and Thunderstorm level 9)
  • RavenRonien - Raging Tide
    RavenRonien - Raging Tide Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Definitely Second Wind for the heal, it's more efficient for our lower HP, especially if you spam Str on your genie

    As for attacks, I would recommend getting Thunderstorm (7 fire affinity) but that would require you spamming very very much dex to get it as hard-hitting as it should (my main's genie has 70 dex and Thunderstorm level 9)

    then why not use my dex genie? its the first one i got, a alt just got a str one, so ill trasfer that in a week, but if thunderstorm is for dex.... then why not just get a weaker heal? i mean will a dex heal still be effective?

    also a full genie build would be nice, like a str genie full str with XXX skills and XXX afinities

    or a dex gennie XXXstrXXXdex with XX skills and XXX afinities somthing like that, i plan on staying 4 dex 1 str for my sin so far, so if that helps
  • Aclucius - Lost City
    Aclucius - Lost City Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    You will be better off getting the strength based genie and the Second Wind for it. As a DD, you won't have to worry about doing damage because you are one of the heaviest hitters with the right build. I haven't calculated dps for assassin, nor have I seen anyone else post it, but I assume it would be one of the highest.

    However, health is a major factor for assassins. My assassin is currently around level 30, with a hybrid build (7 dex, 2 str, 1 vit every 2 levels) and I believe my Second Wind skill is level 3. As it is, I have been putting all of my points for my genie in strength and it recovers around 800 health, which is 2/3 of my total. With the cooldown time at 60 seconds, I can use puncture wound and regular attacks on all the current mobs and when I get down to 400 health, I'm already able to reuse Second Wind, putting me back at full.

    So really, I'd go with the strength genie and Second Wind. It really becomes your best friend and cuts down a lot on your use of health pots. I rarely find myself using any pots except mana pots, which is still low on use because mobs only require me to use Puncture Wound, a very low mana use.